
gene pool minus one...???

Elon is seriously pissing off a lot of people. 🤬
I'm no fan of him either.
Seriously, what doge is doing was tried when Obama was in office and they called it a different name, but same philosophy and VP Biden was in charge of it…..so needless to say….you didn’t see anyone going ballistic then like you do now, reason….it was the democrats…..now since it’s republicans….. all he77 is breaking loose…… just sayin
Seriously, what doge is doing was tried when Obama was in office and they called it a different name, but same philosophy and VP Biden was in charge of it…..so needless to say….you didn’t see anyone going ballistic then like you do now, reason….it was the democrats…..now since it’s republicans….. all he77 is breaking loose…… just sayin
the slush fund hopefully is over for the many that pick and choose thier favorite places to spend it. then continue to tax us, for more
What about him do you not like?
To begin with he's an arrogant, egotistical ass who wants to run the country and apparently does. :poop:
I'm all for downsizing government and cutting waste. But Musk is swinging the axe wildly. Cutting too much too fast. We actually do need some of the stuff they've cut.
But it also seems to me that Trump and Musk are setting things up to privatize much of the government. Wanna guess who's companies are gonna get those fat government contracts? I'm beginning to fear that the Trump administration's goal isn't to save America as much as it is to make the rich even richer.
But I will admit, I voted for Trump because I just couldn't stomach the alternative. We'll just have to see how it plays out. I hope I'm wrong.
To begin with he's an arrogant, egotistical ass who wants to run the country and apparently does. :poop:
I'm all for downsizing government and cutting waste. But Musk is swinging the axe wildly. Cutting too much too fast. We actually do need some of the stuff they've cut.
But it also seems to me that Trump and Musk are setting things up to privatize much of the government. Wanna guess who's companies are gonna get those fat government contracts? I'm beginning to fear that the Trump administration's goal isn't to save America as much as it is to make the rich even richer.
But I will admit, I voted for Trump because I just couldn't stomach the alternative. We'll just have to see how it plays out. I hope I'm wrong.

I agree with some of what you say but I will say, and I mean this in a very constructive way, you seem to have a little biased disdain for Musk and the administration.
Well, your first sentence sums up almost all politicians.
Your second paragraph is every administration in opposite.
Remember 80,000+ IRS agents wanted.
Govt is too big.
An administration has 4 yrs realistically to get it done. Biden’s Exec orders cancelled a ton on his first week. He to swung the ax wildly.

And to quote you:
To begin with he's an arrogant, egotistical ass who wants to run the country and apparently does.

That was Obama and Biden and all their non elected officials in the DOJ
To begin with he's an arrogant, egotistical ass who wants to run the country and apparently does. :poop:
I'm all for downsizing government and cutting waste. But Musk is swinging the axe wildly. Cutting too much too fast. We actually do need some of the stuff they've cut.
But it also seems to me that Trump and Musk are setting things up to privatize much of the government. Wanna guess who's companies are gonna get those fat government contracts? I'm beginning to fear that the Trump administration's goal isn't to save America as much as it is to make the rich even richer.
But I will admit, I voted for Trump because I just couldn't stomach the alternative. We'll just have to see how it plays out. I hope I'm wrong.
"But Musk is swinging the axe wildly. Cutting too much too fast."

i tend to think that the faster wielding of the ax the better.

get the fat cut out and fast, the bleeding will stop quicker, and frankly it won't hurt as much.

we need someone with balls to do what needs to be done.

maybe you know someone that is affected by the wild swinging ax...i do not.

and also, as said by some of the Fox people, (paraphrasing) businesses make cuts all the time, close up shop, and go out of business, putting people out of work...and that is usually by Christmas time, making it horrible...but the corporate world can be cold.

so i say, "move on, get a job where you actually HAVE to go to work, rather than sit on yer ass at home

much better to be out of work after the holidays, than before.
I agree with some of what you say but I will say, and I mean this in a very constructive way, you seem to have a little biased disdain for Musk and the administration.
I agree with almost nothing he just said.

It’s almost not possible to cut too much when it comes to the federal government. The people that say that kind of thing are always ok with cutting stuff they personally don’t like but not stuff they do. It has nothing at all to do with whether it’s appropriate.

Until they start cutting social security or other programs that taxpayers paid their whole lives into and should expect a ROI, or cutting national defense programs which actually is a legitimate function of the federal government, I’m all for it.
I agree with almost nothing he just said.

It’s almost not possible to cut too much when it comes to the federal government. The people that say that kind of thing are always ok with cutting stuff they personally don’t like but not stuff they do. It has nothing at all to do with whether it’s appropriate.

Until they start cutting social security or other programs that taxpayers paid their whole lives into and should expect a ROI, or cutting national defense programs which actually is a legitimate function of the federal government, I’m all for it.
exactly..condoms for terrorists in Arab or Muslim nations, or diapers for lab rats in Indochina, or Gay Sesame Street, are certainly NOT needed...

i'd rather see our military stock piled to the hilt, and our social security boosted to at least like $2,500 -$3,000 per month range, to give us seniors more funds to live on for the month...some of us would like a pet and the vet bills and food would not be in our current monthly checks.

i'd like for ALL american roads and bridges to be built far better, to last more than 100 years, to never have to be rebuilt ever again.

i'd rather see more prisons built both on the federal and state levels, and the number 1 thing i'd like to see is more veterans homes like an apartment style complexes, for them, and better, maybe more veterans hospitals built as well.

we NEED to take care of us first, i have always felt that way.

why should our government spend billions of dollars overseas, when we have homeless here, from mother nature's disaster after disaster suffering of people living in tents, in extreme heat or cold, and fricking monies sent to other lands for gay parades and trans operations..???