
GLOCK’s Forgotten Six Inchers


Founding Member
Good article for all the Glock fans out there, Glocks forgotten 6 inchers, the G17L and G24.

Good article for all the Glock fans out there, Glocks forgotten 6 inchers, the G17L and G24.

Thanks for posting Anni,
Never knew they made any like those. Found a G17L online:


I used a Glock 34 in 9mm for years for IDPA shooting, and it's still the most popular gun for that event. (Not my opinion, fact)
I had a trigger kit installed, new sights and an extended mag release, and I can't remember what else Glock did when I send it back for competition use.
For IDPA, the gun must fit in a special box, and the Glock has, or had, the longest barrel that would qualify for this.
I shot thousands upon thousands of rounds through it, and it never jammed or lost it's accuracy. It wasn't a carry weapon by any means, just for competition. Top notch.