You and I are on the exact same page there sir. What are your makes and model’s?
I've built my own ARs, and upgraded many of my bolt guns for quite awhile since factory guns never have had the features I found to meet my needs, or they've needed critical upgrades.
Out of the herd I'd likely grab my Black Friday (this past) AR build since it has 99% of my build experience in it. Turned out at 6.5 lbs w/variable optic, with a LaRue MBT-2S trigger, a Odin Works O2 Lite handguard, & Rainier Arms Mountain 16" LWT, CL, CHF barrel.
On the bolt 6.5 Creeds I have a few to choose from depending on circumstances. 1/2 of them are my own builds so I'd likely grab my upgraded HB M700 26" with a much better stock, trigger, rail and extended capacity.
IMO one must keep things pretty straight forward & practical. One needs to figure out; what kit works for your AOPS, what circumstances will you have the capability to deal with, and how much gear can you efficiently handle without extra support.
So I really can't recommend any specific AR factory guns, and there is a smorgasbord of bolt guns out there.
All I can say is KISS (Wikip) = The
KISS principle states that most systems work best if they are kept simple rather than made complicated; therefore, simplicity should be a key goal in design, and unnecessary complexity should be avoided.
My .02
BTW - CORRECTION - the auto knife would be a Benchmade 9051SBK AFO II