
Gold always good to have


just sayin - ATH folks, in your prep plans be sure to have some jic
I can see gold as a hedge against inflation or monetary collapse. But somebody explain to me what good is it during a real SHTF scenario? You can't eat it, drink it, or shoot it and I doubt anybody would trade for it. So why do preppers say you should have gold?
good q - it's for after the shtf, have stored food, ammo medicine etc and tradeables like gold silver whisky cigarettes. Throughout history many an unfortunate was able to get someone to let them pass, for a coin or two.
btw in my state the law now is that gold is legal tender. I tested that and went to a truck dealer. LSS once I told him of the new law he made a call and, "sir we'd be happy to take your gold for any vehicle you want, just let us know and we will have a dealer come by to weigh and price the gold out" Several states now have laws in motion or on the books to this effect. The great state of Texas has its own depository now.
Not berating gold at all...but it seems to me that boxes of (common caliber) ammo would be one of the more valuable, trade-worthy commodities one could have during SHTF. Those zombie heads don't explode on their own.
Not berating gold at all...but it seems to me that boxes of (common caliber) ammo would be one of the more valuable, trade-worthy commodities one could have during SHTF. Those zombie heads don't explode on their own.
like they say at all you can eat - why not have some of everything? gold guns, God, good food good friends you know the drill
The only reason gold is valuable is because humanity as a whole has agreed that it's valuable.

Somebody already said it, it's just a rock.

If you can't eat or drink it, wear it, keep yourself warm with it, defend yourself with it or wipe your ass with it, it really doesn't have any intrinsic value.

I used to have a supervisor who was constantly preaching that you should store gold. Get as much gold as you could, hide it and keep it for "The Collapse".

Every time he said it I asked hiwh"What are you going to do when the economy crashes and the first thing the government does is Outlaws all gold transactions?" He never had an answer for that.
The only reason gold is valuable is because humanity as a whole has agreed that it's valuable.

Somebody already said it, it's just a rock.

If you can't eat or drink it, wear it, keep yourself warm with it, defend yourself with it or wipe your ass with it, it really doesn't have any intrinsic value.

I used to have a supervisor who was constantly preaching that you should store gold. Get as much gold as you could, hide it and keep it for "The Collapse".

Every time he said it I asked hiwh"What are you going to do when the economy crashes and the first thing the government does is Outlaws all gold transactions?" He never had an answer for that.
then instead of actual gold bars...buy gold certificates..

1) you can wipe yer ass with them

2) when there is no firewood, gas, electric, oil, you can burn it to keep warm

3) if you run out of food, you can eat it.