
Gun goes off inside oven


Now there's a hot gun. Left in oven, and without its owner tries to qualify for range target mastery? Seriously though, this is a new level of stupid and why not use a safe instead?

Wasn’t something very much like this posted here a year or two ago ?? 🤔
Some nut hid his gun in the oven ‘cause his grandkids would be visiting; when they arrived his daughter (DIL?) decided to cook something and turned oven on, blah blah…

( I’ve occasionally wondered if media dredges up old stories of particular “social interest” to recycle the points…??? )
i can see this happening, like when my wife or i, leave a clean baking pan in the oven, cuz we were going to use the pan, and set it aside.

we have turned on the oven, absentmindedly, not checking the oven first.

however, to be as stupid as leaving a gun in one, is beyond absent mindless.

it is pure stupidity