
Gun life in Australia

Hey all,
Just thought people might be interested in what the gun culture is like down unda here in Australia.
I am a Canadian living in Perth and my buddy (Gareth - a Brit) have finally been allowed by the powers that be to purchase handguns here.
We have a couple of videos on our YouTube channel with gun content and there will be more coming soon, including the process of acquiring a firearm in this country (people from the USA will NOT believe the hoops we had to jump through)

Well I've been pulling for you guys for many years now. I have a few Australian friends. One, an extremely right wing guy, who is appalled by the mass importation of foreigners into Australia, particularly Muslims, but somehow anti-gun. He is however addicted to Taufledermaus. Go figure.

Wish you well in your plight brother and sincerely hope it doesn't take a tragedy to convince your countrymen to throw off the yoke.
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I've competed with a few Australians and you wouldn't believe the costs they endure. We have it best here as far as availability and price. Count your blessings.
I've competed with a few Australians and you wouldn't believe the costs they endure. We have it best here as far as availability and price. Count your blessings.
A few years ago I sent my buddy Andrew a synthetic shave brush ( which is my favorite of all synthetic brushes). The brush cost me about $13. Shipping it to NSW cost me about $30.