Hey all,
Just thought people might be interested in what the gun culture is like down unda here in Australia.
I am a Canadian living in Perth and my buddy (Gareth - a Brit) have finally been allowed by the powers that be to purchase handguns here.
We have a couple of videos on our YouTube channel with gun content and there will be more coming soon, including the process of acquiring a firearm in this country (people from the USA will NOT believe the hoops we had to jump through)
Just thought people might be interested in what the gun culture is like down unda here in Australia.
I am a Canadian living in Perth and my buddy (Gareth - a Brit) have finally been allowed by the powers that be to purchase handguns here.
We have a couple of videos on our YouTube channel with gun content and there will be more coming soon, including the process of acquiring a firearm in this country (people from the USA will NOT believe the hoops we had to jump through)