
Gun Shop Etiquette- The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly


Founding Member
2020 was a chaotic and historic year filled with political craziness, a pandemic, economic uncertainty, and civil unrest. With so many uncertain of the future, people flocked into gun shops across the country buying anything and everything they could get their hands on. With this massive influx of new people to the 2nd Amendment family it's a good idea to cover some gun shop etiquette. You don’t know what you don’t know and you won’t know until someone teaches you.

Gun Shop Etiquette- The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Had a gentleman “consumer” point a counter gun at me last week. Told the guy quite loudly that we need to walk 10 paces apart and turn and fire like the old days if he wants to point a gun at me. So he reacted and turned to not point it at me, but then rather points it to another person standing on his other side . Gun clerks need to tell consumers “before” they hand over a firearm to point it in a safe direction ..