
H. R 1808

A lot of wheeling and dealing going on in regards to Spending - they’re so desperate to get their signature BuildBlack spending money for the MidTerm Follies.
There’s plenty of other smaller, insignificant bills they would like to vote on too. So far a very quiet Speaker does not feel the HR1808 or has the required votes. Notice where they’ve been focusing their rhetoric lately - It’s Not Guns.
But if you’re in one of those swing States…let your Rep know ! This could be their last chance in office and last chance to tamper with the 2A.
That said, August Recess begins after the last vote on July 29 and lasts thru Sep 13.
Just got an email from FPC indicating reports say this bill has been pushed/held into August. Rumor has it some moderate Dems are threatening to kill it all together as it’s currently written. It will be interesting to see how this unfolds.
A lot of buzz being the last few days about The House Vote until that August Recess, but just received an email from a major distributor. You can see the apprehension and or stirring the panic pot?
(the name has been blurred intentionally)
By the way, Senate August Recess begins a week after House recess, so even if 1808 passes in a vote late Friday as the most usually do, Senate will have a few days to garner their RINO supporters, but again deals on BuildBack may be the influencer.