


If you have difficulty racking your slide:

Even with the correct technique, some people still struggle to rack a slide. I have been an instructor for a long time, and I don’t know how I didn’t run across this before. The Handi-Racker is a tool designed to help those who have trouble racking a handgun. You put the Handi-Racker on top of the slide and place it on a table or hard surface. Push the handgun grip forward until the slide is all the way back, and then quickly remove your gun from the slot. It can be used to load and unload rounds, clear malfunctions, and take your pistol apart so you can clean it.
If you have difficulty racking your slide:

Even with the correct technique, some people still struggle to rack a slide. I have been an instructor for a long time, and I don’t know how I didn’t run across this before. The Handi-Racker is a tool designed to help those who have trouble racking a handgun. You put the Handi-Racker on top of the slide and place it on a table or hard surface. Push the handgun grip forward until the slide is all the way back, and then quickly remove your gun from the slot. It can be used to load and unload rounds, clear malfunctions, and take your pistol apart so you can clean it.
Those don't look like soft, delicate, female hands to me. :)