Has Springfield Armory considered building a new, updated version of the .30 Carbine? I would love to have one with newer features!
Welcome to the forum.Thanks for your reply to my first post here. I’m still figuring out how to use this forum so responders may not see my responses to you, but know that I appreciate them and the likes I have.
You have some good points and probably have the right of it. But I like to think there may be a new market now for the .30 carbine. In the last several decades the gun industry has acquired several vast expansions in formerly small sections of the buyer categories - as with the ladies, blacks and even political opponents. This has occurred alongside of huge increases in the interest and understanding of the needs and desires to obtain better protection and safety within the current political surroundings, within more criminals being released with little or no punishment, more riots and more violence within the frequent “protests” (read: NOT legal First Amendment operations).
With all the above going on, I have also noticed a number of new versions of historical guns (for example the SA30, M16A2, the newer renditions of lever-actions, etc.). Plus the constant and instant information attainability provided by the Internet that was not available several decades ago to gun enthusiasts opens more and more markets. I am hopeful that such an environment opens up possibilities to “feed” the desires of the classic guns admired by many more customers nowadays and the results of a capitalistic market will lower prices for such carbines, rifles, pistols and ammunition.
Thanks to all for reading. As I said, I have to figure how this site works LOL!!
Additionally I am extremely busy with life and may not find time to participate often here, but it is not that I don’t want to!
I will try to not be so wordy in the future for your comfort level ;-)
Thanks!Welcome to the forum.
I wouldn't worry about wordy. We do wordy around here.