
Hellcat magazine release spring


I recently acquired a Hellcat and really enjoy shooting this gun but I do have one problem. When I draw and fire this one handed my thumb rests above the mag release and about 1 out of 20 times when I fire multiple rounds the mag will release. A few times it has fallen to the floor. Which would be really embarrassing if I were facing an actual threat. This does not happen when I am shooting 2 handed. Has anyone else had this issue and does anyone know where I can buy an aftermarket mag spring with a little more tension?
I recently acquired a Hellcat and really enjoy shooting this gun but I do have one problem. When I draw and fire this one handed my thumb rests above the mag release and about 1 out of 20 times when I fire multiple rounds the mag will release. A few times it has fallen to the floor. Which would be really embarrassing if I were facing an actual threat. This does not happen when I am shooting 2 handed. Has anyone else had this issue and does anyone know where I can buy an aftermarket mag spring with a little more tension?
Huh, usually I hear people complaining about SA mag springs being too tough.
I recently acquired a Hellcat and really enjoy shooting this gun but I do have one problem. When I draw and fire this one handed my thumb rests above the mag release and about 1 out of 20 times when I fire multiple rounds the mag will release. A few times it has fallen to the floor. Which would be really embarrassing if I were facing an actual threat. This does not happen when I am shooting 2 handed. Has anyone else had this issue and does anyone know where I can buy an aftermarket mag spring with a little more tension?
I'd recommend a tighter grip and to practice riding your thumb on the side of the frame a little higher. If the mag release spring is too loose I'd recommend call Springfield Armory customer service to get the issue resolved.
I had a similar problem early on but I focused on improving my grip and with practice, I was able to eliminate the problem. I also had a similar issue with a S&W Bodyguard but I was never able to overcome it because my hands were too large to get a good grip on the gun. It was my trade in for my first Hellcat.
Concur with checking the mag release spring tension. It’s really just a ‘feel’ kinda check. If you don’t have other striker pistols, go to a local range and ask them to check it for you. They’ll have a good idea of what is and isn’t “normal” and can likely also offer grip tips for 1 handed shooting.
There have been times I’ve gone to a range for this kind of advice and gotten…less than helpful reactions. If that happens, go to a different range (and maybe not go back to that one again).
Local gun shops are also a great resource for this. Just be sure your Hellcat is unloaded, not chambered, and in a case.
I'd recommend a tighter grip and to practice riding your thumb on the side of the frame a little higher. If the mag release spring is too loose I'd recommend call Springfield Armory customer service to get the issue resolved.
I had this issue for the first couple hundred rounds through my Hellcat...and yes, it was me and my #$%@ thumb, not the mag release. I am properly retrained, now, and the "issue" went away completely. BTW, I am a lefty, and the condition occurred after swapping the mag release.
I have twice had my magazine come loose when I did not expect it to, once while working on my truck and I rolled under it to look at something, must have pressed the gun against the ground and hit it, another time I am not sure but it was in the same holster and when I went to remove the gun I noticed the magazine was not locked in place. I know a lot of people like extended magazine releases for quick change but I would rather have something more secure. I don't usually carry a spare magazine on my person anyway.