
Hellcat Purchase

Picked up my Hellcat from my FFL a couple hours ago. First thing I did was register it on the SA website, going to use the discount they give for more mags. Also I left it in the plastic bag and is currently breaking in a holster.


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So today I was searching around for a Springfield Hellcat, came across a LSG by the name of Broken Arrow Outfitters that had a couple in stock. However I decided to look online as well and found that Simmons Sporting Goods had some in stock for nearly $200 less. I asked Broken Arrow would they do a price match since they were the same model but they replied no. So I ended up ordering one from Simmons.

This would be my 3rd Springfield model firearm, as I have the XD-40 3.3, 911 in 9mm. I just want any feedback as to how it performs and any suggestions in ammo. My 911 performed flawlessly out the box as a micro pistol so I'm wondering if the Hellcat will also.
Things to consider? Real price?
Is a price to pay for everything and it isn't just payments with money. Shopping around for anything is usually amplified by different factors. Current firearm sales can be more difficult online because of regulations. Then smaller LGS sales can not usually match online price because of different things like shelf space, overhead and availability, but typically make up for it in after sales support when you build a history with them with hint's, tips and other discounts. Like a free box of ammo when "they didn't have any for sale?" They can and usually do help more when things aren't going right from my experience. There are however a few LGS that are exceptions or act like snakes. But, regardless in my opinion, doesn't usually hurt to ask for lower price with any of them. If not happy with whatever and whoever, I do go elsewhere too.

Also remember, online or offline when buying anything, large sporting goods chains rarely do their own repairs if any are needed. Typically send guns off for repairs. Usually, just another face in the crowd thing too. Can be a huge lengthy long drawn out hassle when things aren't right and get rough.

On Hellcat's reputation or use? Some good, some not so much. Nice comfortable size gun from experience. A bit snappy, but manageable. Is a small lightweight HG afterall? Trigger issues on some, but not all. Many people happy with them, others not so much. If were you and are able, try one out in person from friend, rangerental or elsewhere before purchase. Rarely are guns returnable once purchased.
Almost bought a P365, but lost it to another buyer. Glad I did, because I found the Hellcat and fell in love with the way it fits my hand. Very happy with the sights, minimal recoil, accuracy and reliability. No issues. The trigger issue is, IMHO, not a bug but a feature. Loved it so much, I just bought another, this one the OSP version. Good luck with yours. Practice with it, and you'll love it too.
mine too was bone dry, not even a smidgen of grease in the rails.

in stark contrast, my rock island armory 1911, was so soaking wet in oil, i thought the Exxon Valdez ran into it...
I just purchased my Hellcat and am having a difficult time with the slide. Maybe the oil will help...
I just purchased my Hellcat and am having a difficult time with the slide. Maybe the oil will help...
It likely will. While gun is unloaded, many people "field strip" or completely disassemble new guns, clean and properly lubricate gun before using them. Also, generally speaking, with new guns the slide is normally stiff and loosens with use. Lubricating rails and working slide back and forth numerous times while gun's unloaded will help loosen slide and acclimate or accustom user to guns normal function. Be obvious when oiling, most parts only need a thin layer. Remember to wipe off excess oil - oil is a dirt collector as well as a lubricator.
The Hellcat slide is pretty stiff. Should get better over time with shooting and racking it while empty.
It is, and it does.

My Hellcat (and others here on the forum, from what I've read) was bone-dry when I picked it up new. I HAD to lube it before its first trip to the range. I lubed it and hand-ran the slide while watching TV that night, kinda absentmindedly, for a half hour or so. For that, I "over" lubricated it...then I wiped it down and put the proper firing-level of lube on it before going to the range.
What state do you live in? I live in Georgia and as long as you pass a background check with no felonies, domestic abuse convictions or drug possession convictions in the last 5 years, you’re good to go. You don’t need any reason whatsoever as to why you need a carry permit. No class requirements either.
I leave in Georgia myself, didn't really need a class even if it required one, took well enough classes when I was in the Army.
It is, and it does.

My Hellcat (and others here on the forum, from what I've read) was bone-dry when I picked it up new. I HAD to lube it before its first trip to the range. I lubed it and hand-ran the slide while watching TV that night, kinda absentmindedly, for a half hour or so. For that, I "over" lubricated it...then I wiped it down and put the proper firing-level of lube on it before going to the range.
Yeah mines was dry as well, I pretty much did the same as you. Haven't shot it yet but everyday I've been taking it out and racking the slide for 30 minutes at a time. Will be going to shoot soon though. Just ordered a holster from 1791 this afternoon so if the Hellcat performs to my liking it will be my edc. Especially with Summer approaching.
Sounds like a PITA. We have to get fingerprints and submit the paperwork to the county courthouse where you live. I believe the charges for the fingerprints, BG check and application total around $75. Permit is good for 5 years. I believe I’m on my 3rd, maybe 4th permit which will expire in 2023.

Good luck!! Hope you get yours soon!
thanks. a few days ago, i signed up for the one on one, CCW class/paperwork, and all the trimmings, with a gal that takes you through the entire process, and does it all for you, like the fingerprinting, pictures, notarizing the forms, etc. all we have to do after her class, is to go in person and drop off the paperwork to the police chief or his assistant...then wait "up to" 90 days.

my class is not until late May. that's how booked she and her associate is....