
Hellcat trigger

I just picked up my beauty this weekend and was working with it before going to the range and I’m noting a major issue wuth the safety trigger sticking not allowing it to release. Is there a trigger update planned or a fix. If you are not on the trigger 100% straight it sticks. Any slight side pressure at all you can’t pull the trigger to fire.
Easy fix is to pull the trigger straight back as intended
If in a quick situation with using it as a cc firearm quick movement causes trigger to bind with the Safety. If you read my statement as stated you have to be 100% straight on the trigger. Or it will bind and in a quick situation.
xdman is correct, there has been a few threads on this forum about the HellCat trigger, now I don’t own a HellCat but looking at the gun on Springfield’s website it has the safety blade in the trigger like the XD line up but not the grip safety so my opinion is Springfield has made the trigger to ensure positive straight on engagement to prevent an unintended misfire. Safety first.
If you’re concerned about the gun not firing in a life or death situation my suggestion is to practice with it before using it as a CC and develop muscle memory and good trigger discipline.
Practice, practice, practice makes perfect.