
Here we go 🙄 Suspect in Biden threats killed in FBI raid

They stated the threats were credible. Nothing so far reported to indicate if suspect was armed.
Call it what you want folks - but in some instances these people are taking the Sticks & Stones Rule a bit to far.
The added drama makes good optics for the left.
Spectulation: An arsenal and large cache of ammunition will be featured in the press release as well as a bumper sticker, for added vilification Old Glory will waving on the front porch.

Set your WayBack Machine a just few years ago, go over the list and find there’s were plenty of other verbal threats on public official made by and not limited to:

Snoops dog
Johnny Depp
Mad Maxine
Kathy Griffin

…All unfounded by SS/FBI.

Even a few elected officials made their voices heard with challenges of physical violence against DJT. Not a joke. It includes the Speaker at the time, a washed up NJ governor and TheBig Guy himself.
There have been other deranged private citizen-assailants that actually stalked, confronted, even beating and threatening public officials repeatedly that include a Supreme Court Justice. None of these radicals leftist were ever subject to SWAT search warrants.
I know nothing about the case, but I think that just assuming the FBI did the right thing is ridiculous. The FBI has zero credibility.
Yes they have a really big hole to climb out of from the skullduggery of senior people who thought they are players in the big game. I think there will have to be a restructuring and replacement of the top echelon before they can begin to climb out.
It doesn't seem to need a lot of analysis. You've got a loud-mouthed idiot that doesn't know when to say when (publicly) and went to a place the President was going to be with potential ill-intent while being on the authorities' watch list. I would assume that they didn't kill him unless he was deemed a threat at the time. Suicide by LEO. Darwin hard at work. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
It doesn't seem to need a lot of analysis. You've got a loud-mouthed idiot that doesn't know when to say when (publicly) and went to a place the President was going to be with potential ill-intent while being on the authorities' watch list. I would assume that they didn't kill him unless he was deemed a threat at the time. Suicide by LEO. Darwin hard at work. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Woof! Woof! I believe you have cracked the case, Inspecter Oddball! ;) :LOL:
Reporting now they say it was a 75 yr old man, accused of posting online three (3) verbal threats.
Was it 6:30 am knock and announce or battering ram is unknown.

Eight hours afterwards, the DOJ allows bits of info to dribble out as needed to push an agenda, so watch for the outcries on the news cycle tomorrow.

Everybody has or claims mental issues, age related or otherwise, only some folks get their gripes defined as excusable or permissible.
They stated the threats were credible. Nothing so far reported to indicate if suspect was armed.
Call it what you want folks - but in some instances these people are taking the Sticks & Stones Rule a bit to far.
The added drama makes good optics for the left.
Spectulation: An arsenal and large cache of ammunition will be featured in the press release as well as a bumper sticker, for added vilification Old Glory will waving on the front porch.

Set your WayBack Machine a just few years ago, go over the list and find there’s were plenty of other verbal threats on public official made by and not limited to:

Snoops dog
Johnny Depp
Mad Maxine
Kathy Griffin

…All unfounded by SS/FBI.

Even a few elected officials made their voices heard with challenges of physical violence against DJT. Not a joke. It includes the Speaker at the time, a washed up NJ governor and TheBig Guy himself.
There have been other deranged private citizen-assailants that actually stalked, confronted, even beating and threatening public officials repeatedly that include a Supreme Court Justice. None of these radicals leftist were ever subject to SWAT search warrants.
Exactly!! Back when Trump was president they all (leftist) wanted to yell about 1st amendment rights about all those wishing or advocating harm to Trump. Seems to me they could have waited for him to leave for whatever reason and pulled him in for questions while they tossed his place.
They pull people over all the time for traffic "infractions" then arrest them.
I dislike Biden and the alphabet agencies much as the next guy, but you can't go on social media and threaten to kill them all. dude had a death wish. Guy said some pretty stupid stuff

No one is denying that. ( Although at least as far as I know, the public has not been made privvy to what he said and where or when he said it, so again, we are trusting the FBI not to be lying pieces of crap) I just would like to hear ( from a credible source) what actually happened when they shot the guy down. Now someone said it was a 79 year old man. Taken out by an FBI swat team. Yeah, excuse me if I don't just take the FBI's word for anything.
No one is denying that. ( Although at least as far as I know, the public has not been made privvy to what he said and where or when he said it, so again, we are trusting the FBI not to be lying pieces of crap) I just would like to hear ( from a credible source) what actually happened when they shot the guy down. Now someone said it was a 79 year old man. Taken out by an FBI swat team. Yeah, excuse me if I don't just take the FBI's word for anything.
Well, regardless of age, if you come out pointing/and or shooting, you're gonna die in that situation. Sorry, but I still believe the FBI is our premier Federal LEOrg if not equal to the Secret Service.
Well, regardless of age, if you come out pointing/and or shooting, you're gonna die in that situation. Sorry, but I still believe the FBI is our premier Federal LEOrg if not equal to the Secret Service.

Did he come out pointing or shooting? Does the FBI have this on video ? Because you can believe they are whatever you want, but there is a whole bunch of credible, provable evidence that they are a militant branch of the DNC.

And it's not just those at the top. Page, Strozk and those other assclowns weren't the top tier. And agents who follow orders they know are illegal and corrupt are just as guilty.

At any rate the FBI (and some other 3 letter government agencies) have lost the benefit of the doubt as far as the American people ( most of them anyway) are concerned. If they are the premier LEA, we are all F'ed.

Maybe you should look into how many electronic communications of ordinary US citizens the FBI illegally monitored over the last 4 years. If that don't shock you into sense, nothing will. I'll give you a hint. It's thousands and thousands of people, ordinary people, not criminals.
Did he come out pointing or shooting? Does the FBI have this on video ? Because you can believe they are whatever you want, but there is a whole bunch of credible, provable evidence that they are a militant branch of the DNC.

And it's not just those at the top. Page, Strozk and those other assclowns weren't the top tier. And agents who follow orders they know are illegal and corrupt are just as guilty.

At any rate the FBI (and some other 3 letter government agencies) have lost the benefit of the doubt as far as the American people ( most of them anyway) are concerned. If they are the premier LEA, we are all F'ed.

Maybe you should look into how many electronic communications of ordinary US citizens the FBI illegally monitored over the last 4 years. If that don't shock you into sense, nothing will. I'll give you a hint. It's thousands and thousands of people, ordinary people, not criminals.
Dude. Back off on the schrooms.