
Home Defense Pistol


Founding Member
Do any of you have what I'll call, for lack of a better term, one or more "dedicated/designated" home defense pistol(s) aside from your carry weapon? One that's always ready to rock and strategically hidden while you're at home, then secured in the safe while away? Mine is my all-time favorite retired service pistol: the venerable S.&W. 5906. After my carry weapon, I shoot/train with it the most. We live the glorious rural lifestyle. Neighbors aren't close-by, and it's impossible to predict L.E. response time.
I have a few pistols safe but accessable in my house but my go to would be my Aero .300blk pistol if I'm close by it if ever needed. I also have an M&P 9mm full-size and Shield 9mm on hand in different parts of the house.
Absolutely. :)

My HD weapons (and their magazines, if they are equipped as-such) are treated just like my EDC: they're babied.

Aside from routine function checks and a once-yearly live-fire vetting, they stay where they're stationed unless I've cleared them and re-loaded with dummy-rounds so that I my daughter and I can drill emergency response with them.

The handgun, specifically, is loaded and ready-to-go, sitting in a holster that is itself secured to a rigid duty-belt (which also carries with it a stand-alone handheld flashlight, a spare pistol mag and a spare 30-round AR magazine, a utility knife, and a C-A-T). :)
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Neighbors aren't close-by, and it's impossible to predict L.E. response time.
Emergency response time can be terrible no matter how built up an area is so
I'd rather not fully depend on any outside source to defend me or my family as seconds matter in life or death and you don't always have the time to make that 911 call before SHTF.
Emergency response time can be terrible no matter how built up an area is....

^ This, +1.

Traffic and available units to respond aside, there's also the concern of call-center operations that are oftentimes not transparent to the public, and can significantly affect emergency response.

One of the ranges that often hosts training classes I attend falls in a geographic area where cellular 911 calls used to either be routed to the local call-center or county-wide, and this makes for a significant difference in how a caller reporting a training incident (read: injury) at that range will receive response. Recently, issues drove all calls to the county call-center, so in-response, the facility owners erected new signage that scripts the call verbiage for any students/staff who needs to make such a call.
^ This, +1.

Traffic and available units to respond aside, there's also the concern of call-center operations that are oftentimes not transparent to the public, and can significantly affect emergency response.

One of the ranges that often hosts training classes I attend falls in a geographic area where cellular 911 calls used to either be routed to the local call-center or county-wide, and this makes for a significant difference in how a caller reporting a training incident (read: injury) at that range will receive response. Recently, issues drove all calls to the county call-center, so in-response, the facility owners erected new signage that scripts the call verbiage for any students/staff who needs to make such a call.
Good insight!

Not a lot of people realize these things can be an issue.
^ I certainly didn't, before I started training with this outfit. :) The chief instructor always made sure we knew that our calls may be taken differently - even if two different people called out at the same time - that it's a very interesting quirk of the range's physical location.

I keep this Westinghouse Phased Plasma Rife in 40 Watt Range under my bed just in case😬.........on Serious note, I keep my XDm in a convenient place in case I can’t get to my main gun.
^ You get WAAAAAAAYYYYY too much use out of that, bruddah. Not that I blame you, every time I watch any of the Terminator saga, all I can think of is the "Phased Plasma Rifle in 40 Watt Range." 😜

Speaking of....my daughter and I thougth that Dark Fate really was pretty good!


I'ma put in for one of these off GSA Advantage:
