
Hornady "hap" bullets 9mm

the HAP bullets are just a competition version of the XTP. hap are non-expanding and would feed no differently if that help any? 1 of my next pistol buys will be a 92 of some variant (starting with the gts).
I do know that the HAP are what they tested my Wilson SFX9 with.

I’ll post a pic of the test target, but it’s kinda boring, what with one ragged hole.

I think it was 5 shots at 25 yards.
Suggest buying a Few (100?) of several different slugs. Load ‘em and try ‘em in YOUR pistol. Go with what works best. I’ve had great luck with Berry’s plateds in multiple nines. Recently found a “deal” on some 125 grain “coated” (synthetic) slugs. Bought 1000. They load fine but run like crap in all three I’ve tried them in to date😏. Lesson learned, Try before you stock up.
make sure you use the right "slugs" not these -