
How Close Is To Close?


Founding Member
You must be able to get your gun into the fight. Many assume the attacker will be several yards away. The reality is that said dirt bag may be in physical contact with you. In many cases, you will need CQB skills for your CCW.

There's a drill I learned many years ago that was invented by the Highway Patrol of some state. Can't remember which one.
Stand arms length with your palm flat on a silhouette target. Draw and fire two shots from close retention. Not as easy as it sounds. In fact, its tough to get solid hits. I still practice this now and then. ;)
There's a drill I learned many years ago that was invented by the Highway Patrol of some state. Can't remember which one.
Stand arms length with your palm flat on a silhouette target. Draw and fire two shots from close retention. Not as easy as it sounds. In fact, its tough to get solid hits. I still practice this now and then. ;)
So, to clarify you're shooting at a target with your hand on the target?
So, to clarify you're shooting at a target with your hand on the target?
I’ve done this drill or something similar…

No, your hand is not on the target when you shoot; you withdraw your hand as draw.

The drill I was taught had you start at surrender; at the beep, you’d punch the target in the head with your weak hand, pulling it back while drawing and “speed rocking” two shots from the hip/retention.
It really hasn't been an issue since I retired.

As was leaving the gym the other day walking towards my car I saw a guy in the parking lot obviously angling to intercept me.

I want to clarify that he went a long way out of his way to intercept me. That's an indicator to me.

I put my hand on my OC spray in my pocket pocket and adjusted it to get ready to pull it out of pocket. I guess I pulled too hard because it popped out of the pocket.

By that time he was between 5 and 10 ft away from me. He saw the can and he recognized what it was. As soon as he saw it he started cussing me out. Again, a huge indicator to me that he was up to some s**t.

At that point he turned 90° away from me and started heading back towards the buildings.

That was another indicator to me Because he had come all the way out to the street where I was parked. When it became apparent he wasn't going to get what he wanted from me he turned around walked right back to the building.

As I was pulling out of the parking lot I saw that he had made it all the way back up to the building and was walking down the sidewalk in front of it with no attempt to get out to the street.


Red Dot was approximately where I was at when I saw him. Blue dot was approximately where he was at. Black dot next to the tree is where we intersected. Yellow dot just under the words of Market Center is the last place I saw him.
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I’ve done this drill or something similar…

No, your hand is not on the target when you shoot; you withdraw your hand as draw.

The drill I was taught had you start at surrender; at the beep, you’d punch the target in the head with your weak hand, pulling it back while drawing and “speed rocking” two shots from the hip/retention.
I've done similar drills. The instructor had us put our non-dominant hand on the side of our head when we shot to make sure it was out of the line of fire
Nothing beats a revolver for contact shots.

Jam the muzzle into whatever part of your assailant’s body you can, and press the trigger.

Or get the cylinder up near their face; gap flash will definitely get a reaction they weren’t expecting.
Nothing like investigating a case where a revolver was fired one or more times as a contact shot and the gases went underneath the skin, then expanded. Damn, I miss those days!