
How do you spend Christmas Eve

Wife and I used to go to my in-laws. Both are gone now and it hasn't been the same, they treated me like a son. My older sister has the family dinner tomorrow but my brother and I haven't spoken in years for reasons I don't know and at this point it doesn't matter. Plus the wife really doesn't wanna go anywhere since her last extended stay at the hospital. She thinks being in there turned her into an anti social type person. So home together with the 2 dogos which is fine by me...
Life is good with a wife and dogs. Merry Christmas
First pic is Gracie a rescue Shep\lab mix, second pic is Berlin and last third pic is of our first 2 German Sheps Maggie and Brande who have since crossed the rainbow bridge. We do not have human kids but we spoil our dogos big time on Christmas...Needless to say they got us up early to open their loot...


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