
How to Handle a Traffic Stop While Carrying a Concealed Handgun

1. I haven't been pulled over since 2008.

2. Cops in Colorado Springs aren't doing traffic stops anymore anyway.

I wouldn't tell a cop I was armed unless I was specifically asked. I think I may have mentioned this before but the last time I was specifically asked the Trooper absolutely lost his mind on me.

Colorado has no duty to inform statute. The Trooper pulled me over. He walked up to my car he asked me for my driver's license, registration and proof of insurance.

Well I was getting them out he asked me if there were any weapons in the vehicle and I handed him my concealed handgun permit.

He absolutely lost his mind. He started screaming at me he informed me that I was in violation of a non-existent state law requiring me to let him know that I was armed. He threatened to take me to jail.

The weirdest thing about it all is that once he was done screaming at me he took my documentation back to his car and I'm sure ran me through the NCIS database. Then he came back to my car, handed me my stuff and let me go with a warning.

That incident set the tone for all my future interactions with the police. I don't offer information to the police.

The dome light on my car is right by the mirror and the switch is on the dome light. My wallet with license and CHP is connected to my keys. As soon as I take my keys out of the ignition they're in my hand. Registration and POI are on the visor and will be in my hand before the cop gets to my car.

I will never volunteer that there's a weapon in the car unless I am specifically asked. Even then I would say nothing and simply hand over the permit
Having worn a badge myself, it's not the legal CCW carrier that's the one you'll have to be worry about being a problem at a traffic stop. Not to mention here in my state, as a licensed carrier you are obligated by Statute to declare if you're carrying if you're stopped. The initiating officer will already know the the vehicle owner is a CCW because your permit is tied to your driver's license.
That being said, an overwhelming majority of permit holders declare it to you, before you can ask about it, even outside of a vehicle.
That's not to say that traffic stop is not a tense situation, but the tension is a two way street.
The funny thing about permit holders in my state is, they're required to declare when they're carry, but nearly ALL of them do, even when they're unarmed.
And the two street thing, quite a few officers see the badge as a way to needle the people they interact with, just to see what floats to the top when they stir things up, which is not part of the job.
Just my .02.........
1. I haven't been pulled over since 2008.

2. Cops in Colorado Springs aren't doing traffic stops anymore anyway.

I wouldn't tell a cop I was armed unless I was specifically asked. I think I may have mentioned this before but the last time I was specifically asked the Trooper absolutely lost his mind on me.

Colorado has no duty to inform statute. The Trooper pulled me over. He walked up to my car he asked me for my driver's license, registration and proof of insurance.

Well I was getting them out he asked me if there were any weapons in the vehicle and I handed him my concealed handgun permit.

He absolutely lost his mind. He started screaming at me he informed me that I was in violation of a non-existent state law requiring me to let him know that I was armed. He threatened to take me to jail.

The weirdest thing about it all is that once he was done screaming at me he took my documentation back to his car and I'm sure ran me through the NCIS database. Then he came back to my car, handed me my stuff and let me go with a warning.

That incident set the tone for all my future interactions with the police. I don't offer information to the police.

The dome light on my car is right by the mirror and the switch is on the dome light. My wallet with license and CHP is connected to my keys. As soon as I take my keys out of the ignition they're in my hand. Registration and POI are on the visor and will be in my hand before the cop gets to my car.

I will never volunteer that there's a weapon in the car unless I am specifically asked. Even then I would say nothing and simply hand over the permit
This, very much this.

MN also doesn’t have a duty to inform, and I WILL NOT INFORM unless directly asked OR instructed to step out of my vehicle.

Jerinomo Yanez’s murder of Philando Castile taught me to not trust a cop to do the right thing under the circumstances. I’m not going to shoot them; but if they get a little nervous, they will definitely shoot me.
My state is a constitutional carry, no duty to inform state. And I am a guy who will get pulled over for speeding every couple years. Though ordinarily they let me slide since I have a class A. The last one didn't. Young dude, kind of a smart ass. Cost me $800. He never asked me to get out of the car and I didn't bother telling him about the gun. Though I did have both hands on the steering wheel where he could see them.
i know enought law enforcement in many cities around me to be able to tell some of them you picked the wrong profession. You should work down at waste management because your elevator doesnt go to the top and you’re lucky to have a job that interacts with the public because you would be relegated to the motor pool if it was my dept.

Edit: there are 5 law enforcement officers in my family. Detectives, state troopers and correctional officers. I’m just not picking on LEO’s. I have a doctor friend who would be the last person ever I go to see 😬
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i know enought law enforcement in many cities around me to be able to tell some of them you picked the wrong profession. You should work down at waste management because your elevator doesnt go to the top and you’re lucky to have a job that interacts with the public because you would be relegated to the motor pool if it was my dept.
I know a few myself. Like the dumbass that went out drinking with another buddy of mine, in his cruiser, and let my buddy ( not a cop) drive, with the lights and sirens going. And another genius who was practicing his draw and shot himself in the leg with his Glock. When it gets brought up ( and it does with some regularity) I usually respnd with something like, " 17 months and anyone can be a cop, if they can afford the paycut". Speaking of which, almost all cops moonlight. Shitty pay sometimes equates to shitty cops that shoot themselves in the leg or let their drunk buddies drive their cruisers around town.
i know enought law enforcement in many cities around me to be able to tell some of them you picked the wrong profession. You should work down at waste management because your elevator doesnt go to the top and you’re lucky to have a job that interacts with the public because you would be relegated to the motor pool if it was my dept.

Edit: there are 5 law enforcement officers in my family. Detectives, state troopers and correctional officers. I’m just not picking on LEO’s. I have a doctor friend who would be the last person ever I go to see 😬

So what you are saying is that you were making a general statement that could be said about any given profession?
Growing up in Connecticut it is known that CT LEO’s both state and local are pieces of 💩 my ex brother in law was so bad it was pathetic.
I will say that after leaving CT and living in both Texas and Kentucky I found that Kentucky had very good law enforcement.
I’m now back in Texas and have had no issues with the police I’ve met.
That being said I don’t drive fast and in any way draw attention to myself.
Growing up in Connecticut it is known that CT LEO’s both state and local are pieces of 💩 my ex brother in law was so bad it was pathetic.
I will say that after leaving CT and living in both Texas and Kentucky I found that Kentucky had very good law enforcement.
I’m now back in Texas and have had no issues with the police I’ve met.
That being said I don’t drive fast and in any way draw attention to myself.
Which department definitely matters. Much of that has to do with training and budget for training. @HayesGreener can confirm. Many cities don't prioritize police, much less well trained police. Those cities are usually the first ones to demonize cops too.
Growing up in Connecticut it is known that CT LEO’s both state and local are pieces of 💩 my ex brother in law was so bad it was pathetic.
I will say that after leaving CT and living in both Texas and Kentucky I found that Kentucky had very good law enforcement.
I’m now back in Texas and have had no issues with the police I’ve met.
That being said I don’t drive fast and in any way draw attention to myself.
I traveled to CT to do a background investigation on a prospective police executive. I was shocked to find there were officers working who had felony convictions. This is what happens when the unions run the department.
I traveled to CT to do a background investigation on a prospective police executive. I was shocked to find there were officers working who had felony convictions. This is what happens when the unions run the department.

Not doubting you necessarily but can you provide me a source or link regarding agencies in CT having felons on their department?
This, very much this.

MN also doesn’t have a duty to inform, and I WILL NOT INFORM unless directly asked OR instructed to step out of my vehicle.

Jerinomo Yanez’s murder of Philando Castile taught me to not trust a cop to do the right thing under the circumstances. I’m not going to shoot them; but if they get a little nervous, they will definitely shoot me.
Smart man. Keep in mind that if they do get spooked and shoot you, they'll find a reason to charge you with a crime. They'll also go through your entire life, past tickets, internet footprint, etc. to put you on trail and demonize you. Their department will investigate themselves and find no wrong doing.

In my state, there's no requirement to notify. There's just a requirement to show my permit with a picture ID if asked. I still don't tell them.

Here's another reason... Pulled over for an alleged red light violation (the man claims it was yellow). Told the officers he was armed. He was ask to get out the car to be disarmed. The officer taking the gun out of his holster shot him in his leg with his own gun.
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