

i dis agree with turning on interior lights
not that its a bad thing to have lights
but my switch to turn them on is down low and easily makes you bend to see it.. so then leo might think hey robert is being suspicious

also moving around to grab wallet or insurance from glove box...NOPE NADA

in our state, they know before they step out if your LTC and a few other things like insurance

we are no longer required to say if we are armed or not,,,,,,,,which is DUMB , why would you not want to let them know your armed and where it is...traffic stops are on the best days a stressful situation even if your calm and the officer is calm
to many moving parts to not be up front right from the get go

agree just sit tight, be calm, put your phone down or dont even pick it up..if you feel you need then lay it on the dash on record, out of arms reach via the window.
wait for them to approach and dont be hoping around the vehicle, let them know right off if your armed or not and the general whereabouts...(in our state, it assumed everyone is armed)
let them ask for DL and then say its in my wallet in my pocket...etc.
in our area almost all LEOS are by themselves in a cruiser, add in stopping on a dark 2 lane in the sticks and the stress is up there for the officer. its freaking dangerous, so i try to not make it less stressful, and polite.

know your reciprocal states policy as well if your be bopping through that state

never ever give up your rights...do not try argue a legal case on side of road as you will loose

but be forthright in your knowledge of your rights and be respectful, if a search is asked for...ask what is PC and decide.
if you smell like MJ , then your going to loose the NO decision.
if your passenger smells like MJ your going to loose the NO.

but if they persist and you have nothing to hide...insist on a supervisor to arrive to give you one more witness and then wait and wait and wait patiently, usually after 20 minutes they give up..especially in an area with lots of calls for service.

there are RICHARDS dressed as LEOs, and there are RICHARDS driving vehicles too.
not all leos are bad, they are just doing a tough dangerous job , but there are dingbats in the mix as well.

i have been stopped and asked if they can search at 2 and 3 and 4 am in middle of nowhere trying to get home from taking grandchild to work or visiting parents in hospital miles away...
i say NO, as in my mind there is no reason, i was only stopped because of the the hour of the day and not speeding etc.
a leo doing a safety check at that hour does not bother me, but it does if they want to search because of the hour and cant really put PC in place so they ask nicely and you deny nicely

same goes with wanting your SSN...nope they dont need it .
its already in the system tied to your DL.

these articles are great IMO
it makes us think and maybe just maybe get back up to speed on our rights and rules for your state and others you visit.
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Have done this several times.

Sit still both hands on wheel in plain sight, do not look for anything in glovebox or pockets or anywhere else. WaIt until officer approaches and wants window down. Roll down and inform officer that you are legally carrying a concealed handgun and where it is. Follow his exact instructions from this point forward.

Every single time, 3 I believe, the officers said pretty much the same thing . As long as you do not reach for it we are fine...

And it was.
here in nj if you have a ccw permit and are carrying you are required to inform law enforcement. now, if you have a ccw permit, are not carrying but have a handgun in your car (locked in a case in the trunk) you still have to inform law enforcement about the presence of the handgun. however, if you have a ccw permit, are not carrying but have a long gun in the trunk you do have to say anything.
makes perfect sense, right? yeah, i didn't think so either.
i dis agree with turning on interior lights
not that its a bad thing to have lights
but my switch to turn them on is down low and easily makes you bend to see it.. so then leo might think hey robert is being suspicious

also moving around to grab wallet or insurance from glove box...NOPE NADA

in our state, they know before they step out if your LTC and a few other things like insurance

we are no longer required to say if we are armed or not,,,,,,,,which is DUMB , why would you not want to let them know your armed and where it is...traffic stops are on the best days a stressful situation even if your calm and the officer is calm
to many moving parts to not be up front right from the get go

agree just sit tight, be calm, put your phone down or dont even pick it up..if you feel you need then lay it on the dash on record, out of arms reach via the window.
wait for them to approach and dont be hoping around the vehicle, let them know right off if your armed or not and the general whereabouts...(in our state, it assumed everyone is armed)
let them ask for DL and then say its in my wallet in my pocket...etc.
in our area almost all LEOS are by themselves in a cruiser, add in stopping on a dark 2 lane in the sticks and the stress is up there for the officer. its freaking dangerous, so i try to not make it less stressful, and polite.

know your reciprocal states policy as well if your be bopping through that state

never ever give up your rights...do not try argue a legal case on side of road as you will loose

but be forthright in your knowledge of your rights and be respectful, if a search is asked for...ask what is PC and decide.
if you smell like MJ , then your going to loose the NO decision.
if your passenger smells like MJ your going to loose the NO.

but if they persist and you have nothing to hide...insist on a supervisor to arrive to give you one more witness and then wait and wait and wait patiently, usually after 20 minutes they give up..especially in an area with lots of calls for service.

there are RICHARDS dressed as LEOs, and there are RICHARDS driving vehicles too.
not all leos are bad, they are just doing a tough dangerous job , but there are dingbats in the mix as well.

i have been stopped and asked if they can search at 2 and 3 and 4 am in middle of nowhere trying to get home from taking grandchild to work or visiting parents in hospital miles away...
i say NO, as in my mind there is no reason, i was only stopped because of the the hour of the day and not speeding etc.
a leo doing a safety check at that hour does not bother me, but it does if they want to search because of the hour and cant really put PC in place so they ask nicely and you deny nicely

same goes with wanting your SSN...nope they dont need it .
its already in the system tied to your DL.

these articles are great IMO
it makes us think and maybe just maybe get back up to speed on our rights and rules for your state and others you visit.
Very good advice.
I don't get pulled over often, but it does happen. The first thing I do is look for a safe place to pull over. If I'm driving in the city, I will try to pull into a parking lot off the street or road. And immediately park in such a way that the police won't think I'm going to try to flee once they get out of their cruiser. I usually hit my warning flashers before I even get the vehicle pulled over. As long as it's not pouring rain, I'll roll down all my windows as soon as I park. And then shut off the vehicle. My wallet is usually pretty easy to get to, but I'll put it up on the dashboard and wait until they come up to the window before I start digging around it for paperwork. Hands are on the wheel. The first words out of my mouth are a polite way of stating that I have a license to carry, and then I tell them if I am armed or not, and if I am, where the firearm is on my person, or where it is in the vehicle. I'll ask permission to grab my wallet to start digging out whatever paperwork is needed. If my wife is in the vehicle, she will also inform the officer of her LTC, and if she is armed or not. Never had a bad experience from doing all this. It usually turns into a nice chit chat with the officers about shared military times, or what it is me and/or the wife carry. In all the decades I've lived in Texas, I've never gotten a ticket that I had to pay a fine for. Just warnings or fix it tickets.
I live in Ga and there is no requirement to inform. Personally, I won’t inform unless there’s the possibility that LEO will see my firearm. I’ve been pulled over many times (yeah, I have a lead foot) and have never had a problem with this approach. I don’t know whether or not a license plate check comes back with a concealed carry permit notification to LEO. I have always just figured why bring it up if it isn’t going to be an issue. Give the officer my license, let him do his thing and move on from there…
I’d like to hear all the LEO’s on here chime in what they like to see.

For me, at night, I turn on the interior lights as I’m pulling over.
I stay with hands on wheel and go for documents as Police ask for them. I inform LEO I’m carrying and where .

I got pulled over after a hog hunt around 4:30am. I’ve discussed this before. Had a .45 on my hip, i was covered in mud and had a backseat full of thermal equipped AR’s, night vison equipped helmets and mags.
Sheriff officer about 💩 a brick. My tail light was out. I think he thought he maybe getting into a dui or such at 4:30am. I was cordial. He asked about all the equipment and he had no clue hog hunting in Tx was legal at night. Dude, you live in Texas !! And a sheriff !! What !!! He said he needs to check with a game warden. Told him only if he wanted to get laughed at at 4:30am. Told him to pull up Texas hunting laws on state website. He let me go with a warning while commenting on he never made a traffic stop with so much hardware. Showed him some pics, and he actually booked a hunt with us a couple weeks later 🤣🤣
I’d like to hear all the LEO’s on here chime in what they like to see.

For me, at night, I turn on the interior lights as I’m pulling over.
I stay with hands on wheel and go for documents as Police ask for them. I inform LEO I’m carrying and where .

I got pulled over after a hog hunt around 4:30am. I’ve discussed this before. Had a .45 on my hip, i was covered in mud and had a backseat full of thermal equipped AR’s, night vison equipped helmets and mags.
Sheriff officer about 💩 a brick. My tail light was out. I think he thought he maybe getting into a dui or such at 4:30am. I was cordial. He asked about all the equipment and he had no clue hog hunting in Tx was legal at night. Dude, you live in Texas !! And a sheriff !! What !!! He said he needs to check with a game warden. Told him only if he wanted to get laughed at at 4:30am. Told him to pull up Texas hunting laws on state website. He let me go with a warning while commenting on he never made a traffic stop with so much hardware. Showed him some pics, and he actually booked a hunt with us a couple weeks later 🤣🤣
You should have gone with the "no inform". I'm sure you could have been let go sooner (insert eyeroll).
The last time I was pulled over was in the early 90’s because I had a sign for my home improvement business on the drop down Ramp on the trailer I was towing and the trailer wasn’t registered as commercial.
I didn’t own a gun at that time.
I lived in Kentucky for 8 years and got a Concealed Deadly Weapon License
I was told when I received it that having that license was included on my drivers license information if and when checked by law enforcement.
Currently living in Texas and since Kentucky and Texas share full reciprocity my carry license is recognized as valid and still have my Kentucky drivers license although my truck is registered in Texas and soon my RV will be also.
So that being said since I always have a gun on my hip and if ever stopped by law enforcement I would inform the officer so if asked to exit my truck there would be no surprises.
All but the drivers door window are tinted so I will put a back window down so the officer(s) can see in when walking up to the truck.
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I’d like to hear all the LEO’s on here chime in what they like to see.

For me, at night, I turn on the interior lights as I’m pulling over.
I stay with hands on wheel and go for documents as Police ask for them. I inform LEO I’m carrying and where .

I got pulled over after a hog hunt around 4:30am. I’ve discussed this before. Had a .45 on my hip, i was covered in mud and had a backseat full of thermal equipped AR’s, night vison equipped helmets and mags.
Sheriff officer about 💩 a brick. My tail light was out. I think he thought he maybe getting into a dui or such at 4:30am. I was cordial. He asked about all the equipment and he had no clue hog hunting in Tx was legal at night. Dude, you live in Texas !! And a sheriff !! What !!! He said he needs to check with a game warden. Told him only if he wanted to get laughed at at 4:30am. Told him to pull up Texas hunting laws on state website. He let me go with a warning while commenting on he never made a traffic stop with so much hardware. Showed him some pics, and he actually booked a hunt with us a couple weeks later 🤣🤣

I've asked many cops and gotten both kinds of answers. Seems like the older guys are telling me not to bring it up to the young guys due to it likely exciting them and causing them to overreact.
NC is a state that requires notification. In my younger days when I had rather a heavy foot and some fun cars I was stopped quite often. I followed many of the rules highlighted above and received tickets that I honestly deserved. However, I was always polite, answered the officers questions and didn't argue about being pulled over. Back then the officers were older and I believed deserved respect even if we didn't agree. The last time I was stopped I was respectful and followed the officers direction, even though he looked 12. How did LEOs get to be so young.
Due to my line of work, I am periodically in inordinate places doing something that might look suspicious to an onlooker. Because of this, I have been approached by law enforcement more than once. I typically hand my driver's license and my carry license to the officer as they approach. I typically say something to the effect of "I don't want to alarm you officer, but I am armed." Then I ask them what they want me to do so they can feel at ease. Only on one such occasion, the officer had me lay on my front with my arms stretched out while he disarmed me. Otherwise, they typically ask me what I am doing and once I explain, they leave without incident. I tell them right up front after they have my identification and carry license in their hand that I am armed. I do this to avoid being shot by some nervous officer that happens to spot my firearm during the contact.
I've asked many cops and gotten both kinds of answers. Seems like the older guys are telling me not to bring it up to the young guys due to it likely exciting them and causing them to overreact.
And that’s I won’t say anything unless I have to step out of the vehicle.

I’m infinitely more likely to get shot by a nervous in the service cop with a head full of “warrior mindset”.