
If a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound?


We spent a better part of yesterday afternoon clearing a blocked trail up at the husband's cousin's property. We had taken the wheeler up to work in the stands when we came across a downed 75 foot white spruce. It had come down just in the last week because it was still standing last time we were up there.
Turns out the tree had a lot of rot going on in the trunk, but about 4 feet up it was solid and sound.


Turns out they had some brutal winds up there too. Good thing we had the equipment to move it...in pieces. I have to say, it smelled amazing too.

If a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound?​

well of course it makes not only "a sound"....but several sounds like:

"hey, hey you.......GTH outta my way, imma coming down".......

"keep standing there, and imma gonna crush you puny ass into the ground"

so yes....a falling tree in the forest does make "sounds"

most of them, you wanna make sure the kids don't hear.
Wow Bella! That was a monster! It is indeed good that you had the skid steer and chainsaw with you or on the property somewhere. Cutting and moving that tiny little thing by hand would have taken a while!
We had to drive back to the shop for the skid steer and the chainsaws. And of course the dog was bouncing all over the place. It’s a wonder she didn’t get caught up in the tracks.