
Israel Buys 7.62x51mm Version Of U.S. Army’s New Sig Sauer M250 Light Machine Gun: Report


Founding Member
Sig Sauer's Light Machine Gun offers the IDF a lighter and handier alternative to its existing Negev-series machine guns.

he Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have reportedly acquired a version of the 6.8x51mm M250 light machine gun that Sig Sauer developed for the U.S. Army, but chambered to fire the NATO-standard 7.62x51mm round. Sig Sauer’s design may now be in line to supplant at least a portion of Israeli Negev light machine guns 5.56x45mm and 7.62x51mm, variations of which are current in IDF service.


Doubt it.

Question though. Let's say we stop military aid to Israel and within a decade Israel ceases to exist and becomes Palestine. Who do you think the Jihad is going to target next ?
Probably whoever keeps screwing with them…
I’d point out the Israelis were terrorists prior to the formation of (modern) Israel.
The incident to which you refer was not an official, sanctioned operation as it were.

Also, every country in existence has in it's history things that can be considered terrorism.

Back to the present though. Do you believe if the west simply left all the muslims in the ME alone they would stop being terrorists and stop attacking and invading western countries ?
The radical muslims have been fighting for thousands of years. Always have. Always will

Let Israel rid them once and for all.
The raidcal muslims wont cease to fight. If they did, the world would be more peaceful.
Soo. Since radicsl muslims and the likes of Putin want to play mean, WE have to bloody their nose.

Will never change until one side or the other goes with genocide to wipe each other out, and that aint happening.

So War it always is and always will be
The Peace Treaty between Egypt and Israel specified both countries would receive US aid, much of it military.

The majority of that aid specified that both countries use that aid to purchased US military equipment, and or partner with US companies to develop equipment. So, it's like a credit fund that benefits US companies & workers.

Much of the Israel's SAM/ABM systems in use today where developed in partnership with US companies, and a large part of the missiles are manufactured in part or wholly, in the US.

Also, a lot of Israel's armored vehicles have hulls built in the US then shipped to Israel for completion.

And, Israel is buying 50 F-15EX Eagle IIs from Boeing using this annual fund.

So, Israel may be allocating some of these funds to buy the Sig M250 which will be built in the US by US workers.

And, this aid is being put to good use by Israel to kick terrorist asses, like what's happening no, which benefits the US.

Also, higher production rates lower per unit costs so that also benefits production going to the US armed forces.

My .02
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The Israelis are showing some sense buying the machine gun in .308. In the US, we have not learned Better is the Enemy of Good. The Army wants to convert rifles and machine guns to an optimum caliber to fight the last war, while Biden has been trying to drag us into WW III, after we have given our stockpile of weapons and ammo to Ukraine.