
It hamstrings the government


DING DING DING! Yes Virginia, the Constitution and Bill of Rights DOES "hamstring" the government to PROTECT us from the government.
She was put in to do the bidding work of the Democrats and Biden.
She was a diversity hire.
Nothing less. Nothing more.
She is massively unqualified for the job. Its for life 😩
Here's another one, and the one directly above that deserves a reply of AGREE, rather than just LIKE!

But then we can't expect a whole lot from someone who can't even define "woman", regardless of the context. jj
You could reach into a bag and find better jurists, even someone without a law degree.
I'm beginning to think this is the way to go.
Pick someone out of a phone book, have them read the constitution, give them a 2-3 week course in major case law and send them on their way. I'll bet 9/10ths of them could define a woman.

We can thank the usual suspects Murkowski, Collins, and Romney. Not that their vote would have stopped her from sitting on the bench, but at least it would have force Commie Harris to cast the deciding vote and there could never be the claim of a non-partisan vote to install this clown on the bench.

By the way KBJ, that's the point of the 1A. you stupid cow.