
It’s Come to my Attention…


That not only do some of you not like the Minions, but some have actually complained to Management about them. To those people I would like to let you know of an amazing reeducation opportunity for all the grouches and malcontents. On July 3 I will be leading a field trip to the Studio Movie Grill at 452 Lincoln Square, Arlington, TX to watch this:

All you have to do is present your Armory Life secret decoder ring and I will pay your entry to this stupendous piece of cinema along with the adult beverage of your choice. Your entry ticket will automatically enroll you in a drawing for the JMB designed Gen 1 Fart Gun.

That not only do some of you not like the Minions, but some have actually complained to Management about them. To those people I would like to let you know of an amazing reeducation opportunity for all the grouches and malcontents. On July 3 I will be leading a field trip to the Studio Movie Grill at 452 Lincoln Square, Arlington, TX to watch this:

All you have to do is present your Armory Life secret decoder ring and I will pay your entry to this stupendous piece of cinema along with the adult beverage of your choice. Your entry ticket will automatically enroll you in a drawing for the JMB designed Gen 1 Fart Gun.

Really? Ok i'm givin that a try.
I once bought this Chevy Blazer off my ex brother in law for $400. It was a great vehicle except for the fact that he was doing power slides on the parking lot of his work and flipped it over on the passenger side. So the whole side of it was smashed in. Glass was all scratched, door wouldn’t open. I put another 150k miles on it. At the time I was working at various locations all over north St. Louis. I didn’t report to a yard, we had to report to a job site. So random crappy neighborhoods. I always left my doors unlocked. Someone broke into my car one day and instead of stealing anything the homies took up a collection and left some money in my ashtray. 🤣🤣🤣