
John Kraman AKA "The Professor" has passed


For those of us that are car enthusiasts it's with great reservation to report a legend in the classic car industry has died. He was 68 yrs. old.

John Kraman took the Mecum Auto Auction house to a whole other level...he truly will be missed.
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That's very sad. I always associated his face and voice with automotive and motorcycle auctions. What a career and source of information.
I will miss seeing and hearing him during the Mecum auctions. His commentary and knowledge was a great asset to the show.
Lot of crossover between gun guys and car guys. We like machines! And the cool thing about firearms is affordability. I can't afford to buy the finest automobile, whatever that standard may be. But by selling some guns, I could buy a Les Baer 1911, which I consider the finest in the world. (sorry Ed Brown, RIP, and Bill Wilson) Think about that for a second. An ordinary guy can get the Best Grade of something. I have arrived. Well, I still need to add an arched mainspring housing. But after that, it is EXACTLY what I want in a custom 1911.