Sadly, It’s not just America. These conversations are being had worldwide. I think the reason this seems to be happening right under our noses and so rapidly is the bombardment of media, and in particular, social media. The video at the top of this thread was from Tik Tok - great example. It has given a voice to so many people who even just 20 years ago would not have had a platform. Who would have just been voices in the wilderness - for better or worse. Instead, people have been able to amplify (to use their terminology) their messaging with a reach, regularity and intensity which could only be wished for once upon a time. And of course, the people who are most marginalized and indignant are the people (people who most likely represent the median age of most gun forums) who won’t have anything to do with social media and thereby have allowed the deck to be stacked against them. Now you’re the voice in the wilderness.