
Justice Gorsuch on Bump Stock Ban

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I'm hoping the NY Gun Sportmans Association suit being heard by SCOTUS; (suit contesting that you could only take you gun to one of 7 NYC ranges & couldn't take your gun to your 2nd vacation home, even if it was out of state, etc), will open the flood gates for the court to hear more 2A cases going forward.
I'm not a fan of bump stocks. IMO they are a HUGE grey area regarding legality.

They are not a firearm but an accessory. They tread into NFA country by increasing the ROF function of the firearm above some subguns like the M3 Grease gun.

And they are another dagger that the anti-2A crowd throws at the 2A community as a whole.

I'd much rather have suppressors as openly legal than bump stocks.

My .02
I'm not a fan of bump stocks. IMO they are a HUGE grey area regarding legality.

They are not a firearm but an accessory. They tread into NFA country by increasing the ROF function of the firearm above some subguns like the M3 Grease gun.

And they are another dagger that the anti-2A crowd throws at the 2A community as a whole.

I'd much rather have suppressors as openly legal than bump stocks.

My .02
I hear ya and concur, but I'd prefer having both AND a repeal of the 1968 NFA machine Gun ban (love to get me one :sneaky:), and any other ban or restriction that currently exists. My feeling is that Anti 2A people are always going to hate, complain and continue to chip away all that they can to restrict and eliminate our 2A rights, regardless of what's available at our disposal. Just my take Talyn, not that I'm disagreeing with you, and able to get suppressors would be nice without having to jump through hoops.
I'm not a fan of bump stocks. IMO they are a HUGE grey area regarding legality.

They are not a firearm but an accessory. They tread into NFA country by increasing the ROF function of the firearm above some subguns like the M3 Grease gun.

And they are another dagger that the anti-2A crowd throws at the 2A community as a whole.

I'd much rather have suppressors as openly legal than bump stocks.

My .02
I agree, however, if you give an inch a mile will be taken.
I'm not a fan of bump stocks. IMO they are a HUGE grey area regarding legality.

They are not a firearm but an accessory. They tread into NFA country by increasing the ROF function of the firearm above some subguns like the M3 Grease gun.

And they are another dagger that the anti-2A crowd throws at the 2A community as a whole.

I'd much rather have suppressors as openly legal than bump stocks.

My .02
Why not have both?

There is no grey area regarding bump stocks they are totally illegal currently.

I personally don't care for them myself but I can't understand how the government can force the people to turn in something that was once legal especially without due compensation.
Bump Stocks are gone..... did they stop?
Suppressors are hard to get.... have they stopped?
Answer of course is NO. Look at how crazy it is in many states!
That just encourages them..... how far are we willing to let it go?
This man speaks the true gospel!

Right on SMSgtRod! 😁👍
They are a gimic to waste a lot of ammo very quickly but I don't think they should have the right to ban them.

I have no use for a 50 cal Barret either but if a person wants one and can afford one then they should be able to buy it.
but I can't understand how the government can force the people to turn in something that was once legal especially without due compensation.
All that has to be done is for the citizens to allow an Executive Order to override the Constitution.
Get a gun grabber in any office and they push hard. We sit there and fold. They push more and
we fold again. People need to get out and vote.
Example: Our county is having an election for Sheriff. If it were a Presidential Election my polling
place would have thousands of voters. I discussed today with the polling officials and they are
betting on less than a hundred show up. Disgusting!
It's not about the bump-stock.
It's not about the suppressor.
It's not about the machine gun.

It's about the ban.

It's about the control.

it's about the erosion of OUR RIGHTS.

Death by a thousand cuts.

It's time to take away their knife.
I had three of them, the govt took property away from me without compensation after telling me they were legal. At minimum I should be compensated. Hell I would have even registered them, which in my opinion is the route that should have been taken.

Were they a waste of ammo, nope. I always got giggles shooting them so it was not a waste for me.
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