
Korth Mongoose...SUCESSS......!!


ok, i cannot recall where i posted this, (what website) but i have a Korth Mongoose 6" DLC finish, .357/.38 special

my query back then was, "does anyone know how to fully disassemble the wheel from the crane for a deep cleaning?"

well not too many people own a Korth, so i either got, "sorry, i don't know" to.....?????????

ok, so yesterday, i removed the wheel/crane from the frame, and let it sit overnight in a small bowl of, "Kroil"

this morning after a mere 3 hours of sleep, i got "ballsy", and went to town on trying to unscrew the extractor cap, which had been very unsuccessful before.

cap came off, with the use of a round jawed vise grip.

then it all came apart, every stinking tiny piece, inside that crane.

the crane's (axle??) had carbon on it, still even after the Kroil bath

inside the wheels area where it rides on the (axle??) was LOADED with carbon.

some light scrubbing, more Kroil, and some Hoppe's, and a wipe down.

carefully assembled the entire crane/wheel/extractor spring/ pins for the spring, and my god the tiniest "pin" too/extractor cap, and

viola.....SUCCESS, a FULLY CLEANED AND LUBED assembly.

i have no pics, cuz my camera sucks eggs.

but I DID IT.....with NO instructional manual or video to refer to.....for a Korth,

reason why i HAD to do this deep cleaning..??

i could not get NEW .357 or NEW .38 special ammo, and was using store reloaded ammo....which is INCREDIBLY dirty.

the carbon was getting into the wheel assembly, and literally STOPPING the rotation of the wheel.

another lesson in the ammo question of "can my gun shoot this or that"..

and for the Korth, a German made hand fitted high dollar revolver..??

that answer is a flat out NO.....DO NOT DO IT.....

factory fresh only.

i patted myself on the back, well mostly cuz i have eczema as well and i had an itch......
