
L/H Holster help for 1911 Spfld. Armory Champion Operator 4" w/Olight mini 2

Bought a used 1911 4" Champion Operator, and Spfld Armory can't even tell me where I can find an L/H holster with light for conceal carry. I know I have added too many issues to add for one holster. Most of the holster makers don't have a mold for this gun in anything except no light.


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You’ll likely have to go custom.

Is there a local maker? I’ve had a couple custom rigs made in kydex, I just have to bring the gun to them, and they only need it for less than an hour; one outfit was actually doing it at gun shows...
Contact Tucker Gunleather they might be able to help, I’ve had them make holsters for me. Please note they are not Inexpensive and it takes time to make but they are high end holsters made for a lifetime of use.

My other suggestion is to Google holster makers and see which one can work with you.
Try MTR Leather. Just received an IWB for my Champion (no light)...Give them a call and they should be able to accommodate you.
Champion (2).jpg
They have outstanding customer service