
Light & Laser Options For Non Railed 1911's


An interesting article describing a few of the available options for adding lights and or lasers to non railed 1911 handguns. Including full size Government and EMP models. There are a few links like the one Hippy Gunner link describing how to add a rail by drilling and tapping frame and where to locate options mentioned in article. The part of article is also useful is where it mentions most options are reversible to either try out, swap out to another handgun or if unsure of wanting or liking lights and or lasers option think is a big plus.

Other thoughts. 1911's handguns can be standardized or customized and come in a few different sizes. Be sure light and or laser option interested in actually fits the model and size trying to accessorize. One thing to note too, whenever changing gun accessories, if needed, appropriate holsters are sometimes offered at individual light or laser mfg's websites like Viridian for example, sometimes at firearms website, elsewhere by other holster mfg's, some holsters may be special ordered and some holsters can also be very difficult to find in carry method and type of holster you may choose. Locating appropriate holsters can be easy-peasy or a long drawn out involved headache. Best bet solution may be to check out holsters if likely needed while checking out lights and lasers before ordering and purchasing either?

Good read Bob, thanks, not much for a rail on a 1911, even though my Sig and SA Range Officer Operator both have one, I was weak when I bought those 2 1911's.......lol
Good read Bob, thanks, not much for a rail on a 1911, even though my Sig and SA Range Officer Operator both have one, I was weak when I bought those 2 1911's.......lol

Annie, Oh you poor thing! Am Kidding! :)

Am not too fond of rails on handguns either. To me, many of the electronic accessories are so-so for one reason or another. From holster issues to battery life. Some electronics are too involved and complex with too little included or involved info that's sometimes easily forgotten from one HG to another. Some electronics are actually sold w/o written instructions. Or, included instructions that are printed so small a magnifying glass doesn't usually help. Guessing the old magnifying glass needs some sort of electronic do-dad too? :)

Have a few optics, lights and lasers....otherwise wouldn't be right to state opinion or couldn't justify in thoughts of own mind. In some instances, not always, the electronics can take the fun out of shooting guns for me. But? That's old school me and mine. Others use and enjoy them and I think that's great!