
live stream SS director

Given the national security interests involved with this fiasco, everything should be transparent, we should be getting daily updates (via press-releases) of progress on the investigation, and no director should be allowed to answer, "no comment, the investigation is ongoing". Talk about feeding the fire of conspiracy theories (as if y'all don't know that is in my personal interest). This is worse than Biden's withdrawal...except for the massive usurpation of democracy with that issue.
This one gives her hell. lol

Not defending Cheatle, and I agree with the Congress woman in part, BUT do give me this "yes or no" B.S. Grandstanding. It is disgusting when the demoKKKrats do it and just as disgusting when the reDUMBlicans do it. Another do nothing accomplish nothing "hearing/investigation". If it needs fixing, and it does, FIX IT, don't talk it to death so you can get your ugly mug on the idiot box!
I retired after 20 years in the Bureau of Prisons I can tell you even though my agency always seemed to hire Directors from within except 2 times it has always been an inept person that by their actions was hard to believe they ever stepped inside a prison. Some of the decisions that came out.

So Ms Cheatle not having answered was probably a 50/50 she honestly didn’t bother to learn or never knew and went through her 27 years with her head in the sand. Other half was utter arrogant narcissistic Director DNA

I have seen BOP Directors testify and didn’t have a clue in stuff like number of inmates I. Private facilities, size of SHU cells (while older orisons operate under a waiver and are generally smaller cells than new ones he should have had a general idea line staff are expected to know that for CCA inspections and program reviews)

We had an Officer killed in USP Atwater in 2008 and a big inquiry like this they gave BOP 350 million for a 2nd Officer in High security USPs fast forward the Director then didn’t want staff to carry gas because he felt staff would misuse it. He at least had the civility to retire when he gets a DUI in 2011 (of course his golden parachute was landing a CEO job with CCA or Corcivic)

So later we start getting OC issued to high USP’s in 2012 by the new appointee

Feb 2013 a second Officer is killed at USPCanaan PA and another inquiry EXCEPT Congress wanted to know where the 350 million went and why there wasn’t a second officer assigned and staff hired. The Director (Samuals) answered that that was the last director and he didn’t do anything wrong….he was at the wheel for 2 years and did nothing said nothing about “hey we don’t have these staff we are suppose to”

By October we had a second staff member in each housing unit at high USPs (USP housing units hold approximately 120 or so inmates per unit so before that it was 1 Officer to 120 days you had some councilors and such but 70% of bad things happens after the 4 pm count)

Samuals retired later then our hope was they appominyed General Mark Inch who we had high hops for and had some great ideas (retired with a military correctional and MP background) he lasted 6 month befor the BOP Central Office Honey Badgers (what we called the females that ran everything sand got into their positions (literally) by being like Kamala!

They couldn’t get their way so they basically sup him into issues with their drama and he quit. **** time later one of the Assitant Directors involved was retired because she gave 6,000 positions back to OPM to look great was caught in an affair with the union head for BOP (who was suppose to be protecting spots) and she had an unprofessional relationship with a former inmate and steered some contracting bids to his company.

I could go on but the point is there is hardly a Director of an agency that has their hands dirty in the right way by actually working up. Most are Ostriches and have zero clue what their agency should really be doing.

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too little, too late...

she should have never been hired.

That DEI bs is not working.
DEI wasn’t so much a factor for her. When she hired in there was at least some high training standards to meet in era 1995 but she was tipped out as a line agent and that was about it.

As I said in my post she is a prime example of people agencies promote way beyond her abilities and resume. They have Don that for several decades now.

And she was allowed to be in a position for director simply because she probably was promoted because she either screwed that last workplace up or caused some type of drama I have seen that. Either bull I. The china shop or who knows.
DEI wasn’t so much a factor for her. When she hired in there was at least some high training standards to meet in era 1995 but she was tipped out as a line agent and that was about it.

As I said in my post she is a prime example of people agencies promote way beyond her abilities and resume. They have Don that for several decades now.

And she was allowed to be in a position for director simply because she probably was promoted because she either screwed that last workplace up or caused some type of drama I have seen that. Either bull I. The china shop or who knows.
I heard she was Jill Biden's agent during the Obama/Biden terms, and Jill pushed for her to get the gig. No idea if true, but sounds plausible.
I heard she was Jill Biden's agent during the Obama/Biden terms, and Jill pushed for her to get the gig. No idea if true, but sounds plausible.
That connection wouldn’t surprise me. When you look at the doors and career progression that some folks have happen (and it shouldn’t as they are sort of turds) it’s almost like it’s a prophecy written in the scriptures…some folks just have it like that!!!