Another import from a few other of my regular haunt forums.
This is an aside from things that are direct accessories to the firearms we make our own through the process of accessorization.......
I mean Duece Gear (Marine parlance), war belts, plate carriers, doesn't matter the Era, nationality, just as long as it's the load bearing equipment you use, or collect.
As I'm the OP, I'll start..........
Picked up my second Kevlar helmet yesterday. An NOS, unissued, never worn, manufactured in 1989 example, size Large. It has some slight storage wear, and came with the usual head band, and a pristine instruction manual.
This is an aside from things that are direct accessories to the firearms we make our own through the process of accessorization.......
I mean Duece Gear (Marine parlance), war belts, plate carriers, doesn't matter the Era, nationality, just as long as it's the load bearing equipment you use, or collect.
As I'm the OP, I'll start..........
Picked up my second Kevlar helmet yesterday. An NOS, unissued, never worn, manufactured in 1989 example, size Large. It has some slight storage wear, and came with the usual head band, and a pristine instruction manual.
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