
m1a talk

I know it's been talked about on many threads, but more people have bought them since. This is more about the 308, not the 6.5creed. With the socom, tanker, nm and loaded, what is expected and have you gained experience from 1 or all of the guns? Is a nm better than a loaded? Barrel should answer that, but is there much to gain from the nm? 18" is a short as I would want to buy, but I've been leaning toward a 22" barrel. Many members can weigh in on the subject for sure! We know who shoots them piggies and some may only shoot paper. Either way Give me the low down!
I know it's been talked about on many threads, but more people have bought them since. This is more about the 308, not the 6.5creed. With the socom, tanker, nm and loaded, what is expected and have you gained experience from 1 or all of the guns? Is a nm better than a loaded? Barrel should answer that, but is there much to gain from the nm? 18" is a short as I would want to buy, but I've been leaning toward a 22" barrel. Many members can weigh in on the subject for sure! We know who shoots them piggies and some may only shoot paper. Either way Give me the low down!
You didn’t mention the (standard) version but if you want the 22in barrel then I believe that’s your only option, “that being said” I’ve only shot two rifles chambered in .308 one was an AR10 with a 18in barrel and although accuracy was good I have found the M1A standard to be a tack driver. I’ve only taken it out to 200 yards shooting holes in paper and the range I have available maxes out at 350 yards I would eventually like to see how I would do to at least 500.
I’ll admit to not being an expert on velocities based on grain weights as I tend to shoot just what works best in my guns in regards to cycling but I have no problem trying different rounds by various manufacturers to get the best results.
Yes right now I just punch holes in paper but would be interested in joining a hog hunt and if needed use it to provide food to survive if the world turns to 💩
Personal defense?
Being a heavy long gun it’s definitely not a close quarters weapon but that’s what my handguns are for.
I’ll admit the Socom and tanker look to be awesome rifles and being chambered in .308 they would definitely be kick butt guns however if forced to be mobile in a SHTF scenario I would rather have something that would stop the threat accurately from a distance.
My opinion.
Absolutely love the .308 round.
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I have a Standard-Loaded model. Heavier barrel, a plus for what I use it (paper at the range). It's relatively new to me, only fired out to 100 yards, but I can't see 100 yards (well) without magnification due to old eyes, but I can get 6" groups with iron sights from a bench okay. My POU was pure admiration and nostalgia for the rifle anyway, not for any notions of using in battle or hunting. The trigger is worth the xtra cost over the regular standard to me.

Upgrades going from the Standard to the Loaded include NM barrel over the light-weight barrel, NM rear sight peep (not hooded Match...just a smaller rear ghost ring) plus 1/2-MOA increments on rear site adjustment, NM trigger. For the extra $150, it was well worth it to me (although I admittedly would be perfectly happy with a standard model). I find I'm growing into a trigger snob.

We don't any hogs in my part of WI...but if we did I might give that a shot. Would not be ideal for those helicopter hunts though...too heavy.

I re-read the OP and would add that I love the looks of the SOCOM, Tanker, Scout...but I shoot at the range so went with the longer 22" since weight is not a concern for my use. Only hiccup was one round of PMC Bronze 147 grain FTF...got stuck on the ramp. Norma .308 range, Winchester (?I think) M80 were both flawless.
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I know it's been talked about on many threads, but more people have bought them since. This is more about the 308, not the 6.5creed. With the socom, tanker, nm and loaded, what is expected and have you gained experience from 1 or all of the guns? Is a nm better than a loaded? Barrel should answer that, but is there much to gain from the nm? 18" is a short as I would want to buy, but I've been leaning toward a 22" barrel. Many members can weigh in on the subject for sure! We know who shoots them piggies and some may only shoot paper. Either way Give me the low down!
I personally would go for the longer barrel.
The shorter barrels were made for soldiers that needed close in weapon system. If you’re looking to gain the best relationship with the .308, go longer barrel.
There was a reason the M14, FN FAL and others used the 21” barrels for their battle rifles.

I like my 16” Victor .308, but have found my M1A and FAL to be more accurate at distance.
Victor .308 gets used for close in hog work.
If I sit and wait one out to come out into a big pasture, its always with my longer barrels. Either the M1A or FAL.