I am “checking out” for a few days and wanted to wish all of you and your families a blessed Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year!
I never thought I’d have online friendships like this but stumbling upon this forum is pretty much the only thing good online…. Well, this and ammo sales.
Merry Christmas.
is it that time of year again..??
sheesh, it seems like it was just here last year.
christ, no wonder my wallet is lighter, the wife must have taken out all 14 of my credit cards.......
no wonder the house smells like Pine Sol.......
i was wondering why the christmas wrapping paper was on the coffee table, cuz we no longer have a cat, that shreds it.
i thought to myself the other day, i said, "self, why are the liquor stores so damn busy that cops are there to direct traffic".??
i went to Pet Smart, yesterday to get filters and charcoal for the fish tank, and oh yeah, i got 2 snails as well, a yellow one and a white one, and the cashier said..."Merry Christmas"....i'm thinking she must be drunk, i didn't buy a green snail....or a red one, so she must be hitting the bottle, i feel badly for her, she's gonna get fired now, i ratted her out...
my neighbors house is all lit up, but that's normal, he never puts away any lights.....he must be drinking as well
my daughters, all 3 of them called and asked what time do they and thier husbands and kids come over for dinner..."??
i said, i dunno, what are you taking over, pecan pie, smashed taters and Devil Dogs???
my 2 sons called and said they will be over the usual time for dinner....i'm thinking everyone must be hitting that damn bottle these days, thanks to Bidennomics.....
my wife bought a huge ham, i love ham, but i'd rather have lasagna, and i usually make one, but why this huge ham all of a sudden..??
wait a minute, i gotta check something.......
DAMMIT, the calendar is showing me it's nearly Christmas Day.....!!
musta happened when i took one of my naps.......dammit........now i gotta spend MY MONEY and buy presents..??