
Mexican Cartels- Mexico’s 5th Largest Employer


Founding Member
Honestly I feel that we are very close to that now.
This is where we're at now.

It's been the largest industry in Mexico for quite a while now, having surpassed the annual revenue of the state-owned oil company (Pemex) years ago. And people wonder why nothing's being done about it...the corruption goes all the way to the top. If it was anywhere else in the world, we would have labeled Mexico a "failed state" a long time ago, but that's politically inconvenient when we share a 2,000 mile border with it.
I think that what a lot of people in the States also don't realize is that the cartels are not just in the drug business. Aside from other illegal trades like human trafficking, they are also deeply invested in all sorts of legitimate businesses (on both sides of the border, and in many other countries as well) including trucking, restaurants, car dealerships, banking....you name it. It's probably more accurate to think of them as true "multinational corporations" at this point, rather than merely drug dealers. The scale of it is beyond most people's comprehension.
This is where we're at now.

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Most of the younger people don't have a clue what is going on. They don't even care they've had it easier than any other generation before them. They are wrapped up in role-playing games, living in virtual world, a fantasy world, allowed to live as a dog or cat at school & home,even encouraged to do so, told there is over 100 genders, religion is lies, there is no God. Brainwashed by the socialist left, that words hurt, have designated safe zones, their parents and grandparents are stupid and responsible for every wrong in the world. We are on the verge of WW III or a 2nd Civil War. The greatest nation in world may be lost without a shot fired. It was helped over time by the ones we trusted to teach our children. I feel sad for my grandchildren and future loved ones, they won't even know what was. Sorry KF I don't mean to hijack your thread. I got a call today from a friend. They are all being forced to take sensitivity training. Seems the younger people have been complaining that they are all rude and don't want to be "told" what to do.