buying from them for many of years they are now (really for some time now) really suck'n ! my reviews, answering questions people ask and asking a few questions also as they do not post them...........wft is wrong with those morons that be! i talked to the people (really 1 person) at primary arms about the same thing as there is only 1 person that reads and then ok's it to be posted (usually 3 days). i noticed it when there was a mag review on asc 308 mags (i purchased from them) that i gave 5 stars on (maybe 4). graf and midsouth isn't any issue with them, but midway has turned out to be a pile of (not chocolate pudding)! anyone else do reviews or the other 2 (ask and answer questions) on other gun sites that don't post? i forgot to include brownells to the list!