Sounds like a plan…bought a Pedersoli .32 percussion long rifle couple of years ago. Nice decorator, but also have the balls, caps, BP and wads, so couple of days from now be time to try her out.I love traditional black powder muzzleloaders. The modern, in lines that use a primer, fast twist barrels and in some cases smokeless powders are just modern caseless single shots. The old guns though-they’re a challenge and put the hunt back in hunting. You want a challenge? Take a .32 flintlock long rifle, a .310 patched round ball and go collect a half dozen squirrels. You’ll have more fun than you’ve had in a long time and you’ll learn the meaning of “hunting”. Upsize to a .45 or 50 and go after that big buck you want. Use a cap lock if you wish. Either way, when you’ve succeeded you will have became a hunter.
Pedersoli is a darn fine rifle. Use a .310 ball and a .010 lubed patch with 15-25 grains of powder (try different charges to see what works for you). I find 15 is similar to .22 LR, while .25 is like a .22 WMR. Great fun and a true challengeSounds like a plan…bought a Pedersoli .32 percussion long rifle couple of years ago. Nice decorator, but also have the balls, caps, BP and wads, so couple of days from now be time to try her out.
To be honest, these are beautiful rifles, but the darn buttplate, especially those that end on a spike on the toe just tear my shoulder apart.Pedersoli is now making the Lyman Great Plains Signature Series rifle (Signature & Hunter) models to replace the original Great Plains Rifle. All the other Lyman rifles are still made by Investarms.
Lyman’s Great Plains Signature Series Now from Pedersoli - TheGunMag - The Official Gun Magazine of the Second Amendment Foundation
By Mike Nesbitt The Lyman Great Plains Rifle has been in the hands of shooters and hunters for forty years and how it’s going away. But the good news is that it’s being replaced with a new rifle with features that, in my opinion, make it a better gun. The new Lyman Great Plains Signature […]
Regular Signature has 32" barrels has traditional sights, whereas...
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the Hunter has a 30" barrel with a faster twist, more modern-style sights, and is tapped for a Lyman 57 GPR rear peep sight.
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The Lyman Pedersoli's are ~$500-600 cheaper than the Pedersoli Missouri River (1:24 tist) and Rocky Mountain (1:65 twist) Hawken models.
I have a Pedersoli .54 cal. Rocky Mountain Hawken but it's just too beautiful too haul around in the woods so I'd like to get a Lyman/Pedersoli GP Hunter in .50 cal. for general hunting.
BTW - Taylors & Company also has a Missouri River Hawken model that looks very much like a Pedersoli so maybe Pedersoli also makes them.
Sounds like a plan…bought a Pedersoli .32 percussion long rifle couple of years ago. Nice decorator, but also have the balls, caps, BP and wads, so couple of days from now be time to try her out.
You can’t hold ‘em like a modern rifle-the curved buttplate fits the upper arm at the shoulder. If you hold it like a modern rifle it Will hurtTo be honest, these are beautiful rifles, but the darn buttplate, especially those that end on a spike on the toe just tear my shoulder apart.