
my stupid, ignorant goobener.


it's on the AM radio talk show, that next years state budget, the goobener is going to roll in an anti gun Bill, banning assault weapons, NO questions asked, NO debate, NO nothing.........he's gonna make it happen, one way or another.

he's saying he wants families to feel safe living here..........yet, the gang bangers, thugs, and mentally sick, go on assaulting, killing......
it's on the AM radio talk show, that next years state budget, the goobener is going to roll in an anti gun Bill, banning assault weapons, NO questions asked, NO debate, NO nothing.........he's gonna make it happen, one way or another.

he's saying he wants families to feel safe living here..........yet, the gang bangers, thugs, and mentally sick, go on assaulting, killing......
Which state?

Oh man. Don't these people know that the bad guys still get all the guns they need? It doesn't matter what gets "banned". They are creating a utopia in their mind, with their feelings, instead of living in the real world. It's a shame.

Thank you for your indulgence,

here is a news report, from the ccw website i belong to

I'm reading a book written by everyone's favorite Wayne Lapierre that was published in 1994. In it, he describes (back then) that EVERY gun registration list turned into a confiscation list, or an attempt to do so. My take, never register anything when the government says they'll, "never confiscate".

I'll post more about the book when I'm finished in the What are you Reading thread. It is fantastic, however....