
My suppressor is junk

Belt Fed

This CGS MOD9 is a POS, gonna send it back to factory. it will hit good for 5 to 10 rounds and then they start going everywhere. even hit my target holder you can see above the stock. bent it double. i straightened it out to shoot the taurus. The taurus done better than the SBR. just when it heats up the start shooting low. Both these were shot off a rest too.



I sent them an email and within a couple hours they sent me one back asking if i put the fixed barrel spacer in the SBR, i texted back yes i did and put the spring back on the handguns. all five are shooting erratically with it. i also said i just took it apart to clean and mainly see if it had any baffle strikes and i can't see anything out of the ordinary. we will see what they say next but they did get back with me fast. that's a plus in my book. i know Berreta won't e mail you back.
Well i just got my answer on their CS, they said i have the baffles in backward. LMAO and i would have to send it back on my dime. in other words they ain't sendin me a shipping label. i sent one back a said, if i got them in backwards then you had your instructions printed wrong and NO they are not in backwards.