
Nasty 2 ship collision in England.

Afternoon all,a friend in England told me about this,A US registered tanker doing work for the US military carrying JetA1-fuel was moored off the east coast of England waiting to unload,when it was struck by a Portuguese registered container ship carrying containers of Sodium Cyanide and unknown quantities of alcohol,resulting in a fireball,I'm sure there are wiser maritime folk on here who can say how it might have happened,but to hit a ship with just 1 volatile cargo is bad enough but 3? Apparently reports say no foul play involved?.found a link on CBS hope it works.

Ship captain… watch this !!
it is one thing to have such a large ship on autopilot with only a few crew (not excusing them) but quite another to have a 4000+ personnel floating city and not seeing?/ avoiding another really large ship. I wonder as have others if there might be more to these incidents. What is that saying, one is happenstance, two coincidence, three enemy action.
Seen updates on the collision my friend sent,the owner of the cargo ship are now saying,there was no containers of sodium cyanide on board,was from a previous sailing,sounds like someone is panicking?
Also headlines coming up about 1 man has been arrested on charges of gross negligence manslaughter in relation to the collision.
Something doesn't add up