
New Minnesota Gun Video Editorial Facts, Opinions

Yep, I decided to get my carry permit after the January 6 insurrection. Hennepin County requires applicants make an appointment to drop off the application. Mine is on March 29.
I received my permit to carry about 6 months ago. I have my primary residence in Dakota County so i was able to get my permit in 2 weeks. The only problem i have with that video is no mention of the unrest in minneapolis or extreme rise in crime in minneapolis, only the January 6th insurrection.
It did talk about the civil unrest. On that note, have you seen the preparations Minneapolis is making for the Chauvin trial? They're going all out. It's like thru know someone is going to be upset no matter which way it goes.

Yes, crime increased a good bit. I have some friends in criminal law in MSP. Its getting ugly.
It is not just fear as the broadcast indicated. People watched the riots all last summer and fall while the police were ordered to stand down and let it happen. I saw people trying to protect their businesses beaten and abused by a crowd of thugs. I think it just reinforced in folks' minds that they could not rely on the local/state/federal governments to protect them and prosecute criminals, so they needed to prepare to protect themselves and their families.
Just a PSA reminder to everyone to never take a trolls bait!

A potential troll has been spotted on the forum recently.

A professional troll will sometimes hide their intentions by subtlety slipping a controversial topic into their posts that really has no value in relation to the tread topic just to illicit a heated response from other members.

You can see this in multiple different posts by these trolls where they wack the hornet's nest and walk run away after an argument has started in relation to their post.

Don't let good theads die because of potential trolls!

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I'm not trolling by pointing out the precautions Minneapolis is taking, nor did I take a side. I simply said they're going all out knowing someone is going to get upset by the verdict, guilty or not.
I'm not trolling by pointing out the precautions Minneapolis is taking, nor did I take a side. I simply said they're going all out knowing someone is going to get upset by the verdict, guilty or not.
I did not call anyone out so I don't think there's a need for anyone to get defensive.

This was just meant to be a PSA for members.