
Northern Invasion! Feral Boars Descending Upon the United States


These Hogs Sounders can do Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars in Damage in one night to a golf course, Crop Damage, Forestry Damage & wildlife population damage in my state you need only a Hunting License to hunt Wild Boar / Feral Hogs no Big Game addendum is required there is no season on them and no limit on them no weapon requirement or caliber requirement. The landowner can apply for a depredation permit and add your name or several names and you can hunt 24/7 365 for Hogs.
They are here in West Texas which is more north than North Texas! Sometimes you see 5 and times there are 50! Piglets beware, they are all the same! DISTRUCTIVE!!!
The Population of them in Georgia & South Carolina has Increased upwards in the past 20 Years in some counties it's out of control to a point they take 20 to 30 pigs in a day and it has not made a dent in the population
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