
Not So Small, Invasive, And Killing Off Honey Bee’s. The Murder Hornet.

I woke up early this morning to catch a show on the (Animal Planet Channel)
Concerning the Asian Murder Hornet.
I know this is not a new issue but found it interesting and scary at the same time.
The show took place in Washington State where the first hive in the continental United States was discovered. How they found the hive was intriguing. They were able to catch a Hornet and attached a tracking tag to it, then allowing it to fly away they tracked it back to the hive. Although it was at first believed that these Hornets built hives in the ground this one was found in a tree.

After finding the tree they approached the land owner for permission to not only trap and kill the Hornets but to then cut down the tree to inspect the hive which he agreed to. I won’t go into detail about how this was done except to say they were successful. The surprising turn of events was after this was done the land owner demanded the return of the tree, the hive and all the dead Hornets which he intended to sell on EBay and other money making internet sites. 😳😵‍💫🤦‍♂️

An interesting note was after the tree was split open and the hive inspected over a dozen eggs were found still alive and when allowed to hatch under controlled circumstances produced Queen Murder Hornets which would have allowed (if not found) to produce dozens of new hives. That is scary!!!

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i cannot fathom why anyone would want to "sell" the eggs.....why contribute to the decimation of the much needed bee's...???

i can "see" selling the murder bee's eggs to pest control companies, for an effective killing spray, but other wise, sales to anyone else..???
dang, that's the size of an old B17 Bomber......

this is where i also say, "way too many people are coming into this country, and these insects are hiding in the baggage".

also a very high possibility too, that fruits and vegetables from other countries, and packed clothing from over seas factories, in shipping container boxes, are harboring these insects as well.

i say end all of it..

good old fashion DDT ought to come back.
When I was stationed in Southeast Asia in 1970 I met some Meo tribesmen from the mountains of Laos through my dealings with SOF guys. I found them to be very social people, quick, agile, and ferocious warriors. Many of them had primitive homemade black powder muzzle loaders for hunting and they were in awe of our modern weapons. NVA would pass through their area and they would harass them. One of their tactics described to me was to bag a nest of giant hornets at night, and plant them in the NVA's campsite. When they woke up in the morning they were highly pissed and caused a lot of chaos, their goal being to cause the NVA to stay out of their areas. A lot of Meo's sadly had to flee to Thailand in the mid 70's to escape the Pathet Lao.
dang, that's the size of an old B17 Bomber......

this is where i also say, "way too many people are coming into this country, and these insects are hiding in the baggage".

also a very high possibility too, that fruits and vegetables from other countries, and packed clothing from over seas factories, in shipping container boxes, are harboring these insects as well.

i say end all of it..

good old fashion DDT ought to come back.
You mean bring back DDT like this old ad: 😳😉