
Old practice, new name, new drugs, new exposure method

I think I first heard of huffing way back in the 1960s. I remember when it was big news that they changed the formula in model airplane glue so you couldn't get high off it anymore. Even among drug addicts, huffers are considered the lowest of the low.
Glue heads. Used to be a lot of that around. I can remember a friend of mine knew where there was a factory in the city that had a spigot that dispensed Toulene. They called it Tuleo. Those guys were seriously ate up.

A friend of my wife's has a daughter who almost died from huffing cans of air. I've seen where people who are real bad alcoholics will drink the crap at the bottom of hairspray cans. People sure do put a lot of ridiculous garbage in their bodies.
My oldest son works in property management. Several of the complexes he managed there were always problems keeping the air conditioning working. Here's why:
I caught some kids fixin to take the cap off a line on an air conditioner on rental property one time. they stood up real quick when they heard me. i said it's a great day for a dirt nap. you guys in? figured i was gonna get some lip service but they took off.