
One way to load 9mm ammo !!

I’m surprised it didn’t show the guy smoking a cigarette at the reloading press.
I've watched 2 others one a glass making factory and one metal recycling. Both had workers in sandals and those large flowing clothing. Both had very young children working next to open furnace that is thousands of degrees Fahrenheit. Watching them just made me shudder.
The glass factory had workers smashing large glass panels into smaller pieces to shovel into a wheelbarrow with no EYE PROTECTION....
It’s also notable that other than transmission and feeder lines the highest pressure you’re going to encounter in a typical gas main is about 60 psi.
not where i'm at as we have several transmission lines over 500psi and up to 1k iirc. up north of me about 25-30 miles someone was on a d8 with a ripper ripping some ground when they hit a transmission line and it blew up, killed him and the d8 was toast. most rippers only go 2' deep, so wth was it so shallow!
I’ve never tried reloading but when I was growing up my friend’s dad was really into it. He did long range rifle competitions.
His setup was in their garage. It was very organized and orderly. He had at least 3 large fire extinguishers. Zero horseplaying allowed in there.
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not where i'm at as we have several transmission lines over 500psi and up to 1k iirc. up north of me about 25-30 miles someone was on a d8 with a ripper ripping some ground when they hit a transmission line and it blew up, killed him and the d8 was toast. most rippers only go 2' deep, so wth was it so shallow!
We have them here too. Usually 200-400 psi, but tapping them is not even close to the same kinda thing you have going on tapping an IP poly main. That’s a specialty deal that regular main crew/ SIT gas guys aren’t qualified to do. They don’t even let us dig over them.

Also 2’ is a minimum depth for a regular gas main. Transmission lines are normally 12’ or deeper.
they were loading Plus P+++ loads, on the bright side it’s impossible to put a double charge.

