
Oversized training gun

What the what?
This maybe?

Pretty sure we had a thread on these within the last month or so. Guy was looking for parts to restore two M1 Carbines.

ETA: Found it:

This looks cool as heck as wall decoration if that's what @baconneggz1 is talking about. If that's the case, eBay's probably gonna have a few I bet.


This is the kind of big guns I'm used to, I was told I can't have one in the front yard, it might upset the neighbors :D

Was only able to find one listing so far that sold for $5k but that was for an oversized bar replica
The one I showed on the picture sold for $1K at a private auction, but the price range is in the $500-$800, I guess it's mostly profit since this would be a $10-$15 on government auction...