
Possible New 1911

Thinking of a Savage Govt Stainless 45 acp 1911. Brand new. MSRP $1395 but can get it for $805. Don't know much about the brand. What do the experts think. Please give me your opinions. Thanks
all i know is that the company makes rifles and some have said they aren't as good as they used to be.

for the price of a Savage 1911, i'd rather have another Dan Wesson.

but you do you, no matter the opinions....
Send him some pics of your Tisas 1911s. It’s ok, no one will judge.
Here ya go ..

I don't think you could buy a Dan Wesson for 800 bucks. The reviews on the Savage are very good. I haven't heard any negatives, so maybe you could check online for Savage 1911 problems or complaints. I would go for it.
Purchased a DW Vigil about a year ago for $1300.00. Have seen it advertised as their entry level 1911. It's a no frills pistol but is reliable, has a great trigger is more accurate that I am.
Nothing against Savage they make great rifles but their 1911 I’m not sold on.

There are so many great options like Springfield Garrison or Operator and now TRP
To Colt Competition or Commander to their Combat Unit
To some S&W (if your ok with external extractors) all range from 800-1.600 that are proven .

Worst case getting a Savage that low you will at least break even if it turns out to be a memo. But me I stay Springfield or Colt