
Precision Rifle Series: Gas Gun vs Bolt Action – Which is better?


Founding Member
Can a gas gun beat a bolt-action in terms of precision, or is the author on very thin ice here?

PRS Series: Gas Gun vs Bolt Action – Which is better?


My take on this is with the advancement in technology semi automatic rifles (AR’s) are on par with bolt guns in accuracy at distance especially with a decent scope and good trigger discipline, the obvious big difference is one will auto load the next round for a faster follow up second and third shot while the other will require the shooter to rack the next round which will in most cases move the gun significantly off POA for a fast accurate follow up shot if needed when hunting.
That being said……….
Both have their pro’s and con’s
For me when hunting, the semi-auto allows me the ability to chamber another round without having to manually operate a bolt or a lever. Deer are quick to pick-up the movement reqired to operate a bolt or lever action if a second or third shot are needed. Where I hunt staying hidden and concealed is a big factor in either getting a deer or going home empty handed. I believe the lenght and quality of a barrel, quality of the sights or the scope, and the ammo used will have more influence on accuracy than the type of action. Regardless of the type of action, for the most part the average shooter will never notice any difference. I remember as a kid years ago this discussion raged back and forth in the gun magazines. The thing to note is that semi-auto and manual actions have never gone out of style. It's whatever floats your boat and meets your needs! :)
First, I am not, have never been and have no designs on being a precision shooter. I have had both, though I no longer own any pure bolt guns except an old 16 gauge shotgun. The deer rifles I own these days are all either automatics or lever action.

Once, a long time ago on my favorite deer hunting trip I was using my Enfield .308. We were trapped on a mountain
( technically not a mountain, but the highest hill in Hermann, Mo) in a couple feet of virgin snow. It was awesome. I was still hunting and saw 4 doe off in the distance, maybe 200 yards. I leaned against a tree and lined up on the smallest one. They were down the side of the hill quite a ways and I knew I would have to drag her back up to the top where camp was. Anyway, I missed her. They didn't bolt. Didn't even move, just sort of looked up and checked things out. So I work the bolt to chamber another round and they all took off running. I didn't get a second shot. I don't shoot at running deer.
Well this is interesting. I hunt muzzle loader, and have been able to get follow up shots on deer with 75 yards and me being in plain view. Plus it takes a bit a little more time to reload a muzzle loader over a bolt action lol. Granted usually there is a large plume of smoke between me and the deer after the first shot is fired. Hell I missed a doe twice last season, the sight was off that’s a long story and yes I should of double checked but I didn’t. Won’t be doing that again.
Well this is interesting. I hunt muzzle loader, and have been able to get follow up shots on deer with 75 yards and me being in plain view. Plus it takes a bit a little more time to reload a muzzle loader over a bolt action lol. Granted usually there is a large plume of smoke between me and the deer after the first shot is fired. Hell I missed a doe twice last season, the sight was off that’s a long story and yes I should of double checked but I didn’t. Won’t be doing that again.
Here's the thing about deer. They are a lot stupider than people think/claim they are. Generally the big bucks are nearly nocturnal and really only get stupid around the rut. The rest of them ? I have literally shot deer in the middle of a pee. Took the shot, watched the deer fall ( maybe 20 yards away) zipped up, sat down and smoked a cigarette then went out and dressed the animal and drug it out of the woods. I have shot many, many deer while smoking or eating, standing on the ground with my back against a tree. I can't recall the last time I hunted wearing scent block or camo. If I was bow hunting for a Boone and Crockett, yeah, ok.

Deer cannot see you really. They only see shapes. If you break up your silouhette or are up in a tree they are not going to see you. They can smell you, especially if you are close and upwind, but in most places you are going to hunt the smell of a human is not all that abnormal of a thing.

I was once bow hunting in a stand about 8' off the ground. A nice doe came in about 15 yards away. I loosed an arrow and it went just under her chest. She jumped up and then just stood there. Second shot I missed as well. She ran about 10 yards and stopped again. At which point I put an arrow through her heart.