
Question about my gun

I recently obtained a Springfield Armory Ronin handgun with the serial number NM 931700 but I can't find anything about it anywhere online... Can anyone tell me anything specific about this model? Does anyone know what the MSRP was? I wanna make sure I got a good deal and a good model.. Please and thank you!
I have the Ronin EMP in 9mm, it's a nice shooter. you will like it. what caliber did you get?

I have the same pistol. Make sure you snug down the rear sight set screw every once in a while (mine was loose from the factory and I lost it on a range once). Also, you might find the front sight fiber optic rod breaks regularly...you will get good at melting them in place after a while. Springfield will send you new fiber rods for free, btw. Just call and ask. Also, just add Talon front-strap grip tape and you've got a pretty decent 1911.