
“Racist!”: What’s in a Name? Power, Not Equality


Founding Member
What images does that term invoke? Goose stepping, seig heiling Nazis? White-hooded figures burning wooden crosses? Swastika-tattooed skinheads trying to revive the first example? You?

Yes, Yes, Yes, Ye…wait…what?

When I was at Ft. Lewis there was a certain group of Black soldiers in my unit who screamed "Racism" for anything.

One day I had a conversation with a black corporal about Racism. I said that I believed (and still do) that everyone is to some extent, racist.

That night there was an argument at the CQ desk about how 6 out of 10 of the soldiers being deployed to Desert Shield were Black. I pointed out that 6 out of 10 soldiers in the Army were Black so any deployment was going to reflect that.

The next day I was called into the First Sergeant's office and been told that I had been accused of Racism. My (Black) Platoon Sergeant told me how disappointed he was to find out that I was a racist, IOW Guilty until proved innocent.

I was Canceled before being canceled was even a thing.
Human beings are, by nature, flawed. We all are. I say this because I truly believe that it is a rare human who isn’t racist at all. I also believe that the most racist people are the ones flinging the “racist” label at anyone they encounter who doesn’t agree with them, criticizes them, or heaven forbid, comes across as “rude” to them.

When I was a security supervisor on a campus up north, I had to deal with parking issues, and I got slapped with that label a lot. The student parked illegally and was issued a ticket (not by me but by the parking people ). The student goes to the parking office and pitches a fit. I get called to help the parking manager. I repeat the rules and the reason for the ticket. The student doesn’t like what he/she hears and so, because my skin is white, I am a racist. It’s my fault.

It has only gotten worse with time. I don’t think that the majority of people who throw that word around actually know what it means.
Okay. Done with the rant. This is merely my humble, unsolicited opinion.
I view people as individuals regardless of their racial (White, Black, Asian & Australoid (Australian aborigine's) group. I have worked & interacted with, and admire, individuals in all but the latter.

There are good and bad/evil people in the world, and the bad/evil will take advantage of the good when they can to gain wealth and/or power.

And all folks have their failings, and can disagree on topics regardless of their racial group, religious beliefs and ethnic background. And there are plenty of hypocrites in the world. As BellaD says we are flawed.

Those that use identity politics (including name calling) to get their way need to do some serious soul searching, if they have a soul.

My .02
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I'm not wading in too deeply about my personal experiences with race relations. I have lived and worked in St. Louis the majority of my life. That's about all the description I'm going to give with regards to my interaction with black people and the associated minutae.

Yes I have black friends and yes I know and have interacted with black people who were pieces of human garbage, black people who were attempting to race bait me and black people who tried to kill me. I can make the exact same statement about white people. Yes racial slurs have slipped out of my mouth. And those slurs have at various times been directed toward people of just about every race that I have ever encountered, including my own. I am an equal opportunity racist. I hate everybody equally. I have pointed out the double standard with regards to black people in this country and had discussions about it. The fact that they are able to do things, or not do things, at work and still keep their job where any white person would be terminated. The fact that our system has been inverted to give them an unfair advantage in certain areas due to (mostly) white people overcompensating for behavior they themselves likely never exhibited. Some call this white guilt, some call it compensating for your white privilege, etc. And then there are subtle things, like what might be called "Afrocentrism". The fact that Google and other information outlets erroneously credit black people with a great number of inventions they didn't actually invent. Like door knobs, dust pans, potato chips, clothes dryers, and many more. It's merely white liberals trying to artificially impose "Equity". "Level the playing field" artificially. The disparity in prison population is another one. They claim it is institutionalized racism that 13% of the population constitute 80% of the prison population. This is complete bullshite. And it is a concerted effort to pass it off as truth. Living with and associating with people like yourself is not racism. Not being concerned with diversity is not racist. Every single clan, tribe, race, species on the planet has done that for the entirety of history.

The only people who have ever called me racist were white. I long ago decided I am uncancellable. You are free to call me racist if you please, I couldn't possibly care less.
My parents were FDR democrats. Maybe in an act of rebellion I would always be more conservative. Later to be labeled a Reagan republican. for many years I was willing to listen to the other side, even agree. Don't like cigarette smoke and want a separate non-smoking section in restaurants, that makes seance. Equal pay for equal work, well ya. Judged by your character not the color of your skin (y). Who someone sleeps with is their business, sound creepy to me, still none of my business. BUT it never stops. I can't smoke withing 100' of a doorway of any business, reparations, males (NOT MEN) in the woman's bathroom, and competing in women's sports, and if I disagree, I'm a homophobe, xenophobe, nazi, bitter clinger, deplorable and or racist.
Enough! Unlike Mr. Thomas Locke, I'm not going to debate, or educate. Might as well be hung for a sheep as for a lamb, you want is accuse me then hang on sweety that train is about to leave the station and it's a wild ride. I'm still decent enough to take it on a case by case and person by person basis.
What images does that term invoke? Goose stepping, seig heiling Nazis? White-hooded figures burning wooden crosses? Swastika-tattooed skinheads trying to revive the first example? You?

Yes, Yes, Yes, Ye…wait…what?

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i say and do as I WANT TO, not what the cancel culture of the politically correct crowd wants me to.

i have lived a long life, and "my world" did just fine.

cry babies, butt hurt people, super sensitive people, same sex lovers, trans people, cross-dressers, and whatever else roams the earth, can "KISS MY ASS".

it's like this one time when i went to the bank for some type of loan...i was told that if i miss a payment or are late, i'll get dinged...on my credit.

i said to the gal banker...

"at my age, do YOU really think i give a shite about my credit"?? (actual words)

i went on to say... "now, since you gave me this loan, imma gonna max it out and DIE, and you'll not get your money back", cuz the house is in trust, and PROTECTED", and as for my credit..(?)...i'll be laughing all the way to my grave"...

"have a good day sir, nice doing business with you", was all she could say.

you see, as OLD PEOPLE, we CAN say and do AS WE PLEASE...........and get away with it, cuz "we're cute"
The phrase is so overused it has no meaning any more. It is used as a bludgeon by people who have nothing to contribute. Racial entrepreneurs like Al Sharpton have found a way to enrich themselves by stirring that pot and fomenting hate. Anytime racism comes out of the mouths of politicians they show me how shallow they are and have lost me from then on.
Human beings are, by nature, flawed. We all are. I say this because I truly believe that it is a rare human who isn’t racist at all. I also believe that the most racist people are the ones flinging the “racist” label at anyone they encounter who doesn’t agree with them, criticizes them, or heaven forbid, comes across as “rude” to them.

When I was a security supervisor on a campus up north, I had to deal with parking issues, and I got slapped with that label a lot. The student parked illegally and was issued a ticket (not by me but by the parking people ). The student goes to the parking office and pitches a fit. I get called to help the parking manager. I repeat the rules and the reason for the ticket. The student doesn’t like what he/she hears and so, because my skin is white, I am a racist. It’s my fault.

It has only gotten worse with time. I don’t think that the majority of people who throw that word around actually know what it means.
Okay. Done with the rant. This is merely my humble, unsolicited opinion.
When people of a culture are taught these things at a young age they often believe it and it is self perpetuating, very difficult to change attitudes. Unfortunately a cultural norm to default to violence is self perpetuating as well. I am convinced that literacy and education is the only path out of the abyss.